Your eyes do not deceive you. We've got a substitute pony for tonight's good wishes!
Click on the image for the full comic!
One of the most epic animations the fandom ever produced dropped today back in 2015! It's always amazing to see what we can come up with when we throw a bunch of awesome creators at something.
And joining that, Sega asked if people wanted them to cross pony over with Sonic! I guess it never happened? History below!
Praise the sun? Definitely.
Art below!
[0] Source
Aurora Shinespark | Commission by ConfettiCakez on Deviantart
To celebrate Pride Month, Hasbro has released a set of limited edition My Little Pony, Transformers and Furby shirts and canvas tote bags, with multiple color options for each product. 20 percent of the purchase price of each product goes towards Youth Pride Inc., a non-profit located in Hasbro's native Rhode Island. The My Little Pony design they're using features the G3 ponies Skywishes and Star Catcher.
This is your halfway point warning for Chryssy day! She's a good bug. She needs your respect.
If you would like to submit to Chrysalis Day, send an email to with Chrysalis Day as the subject followed by what it is, so you would name the email CHRYSALIS DAY - OPEN ART if you are sending in for open art. Be sure to include a source to your art if you want one listed.
Now go send a bunch of appealing looking neon green and black stuff to our submit box!
Author: RunicTreetops
Description: The princess just finished her last task for the day. Spike is out of the castle on an official errand. You know how to slip by the guards without drawing attention to yourself. Everything is falling into place.
You have business to take care of, but you'll have to do the unthinkable first: You have to kidnap Princess Twilight Sparkle.
Uhh... why?
The Kidnapping of Princess Twilight Sparkle