Nightly Discussion #3192
by CalpainI wonder what a Zap Apple really tastes like. They do look good!Evening my friends, how are you all tonight? We made it through Monday!
Twitter: Calpain -
This Day in Pony History - April 17th - Dragonlord Ember Dominates, Spotlight Splash Knocked Off, and More!
by SethistoDid you buy the official knockoff Spotlight Splash merchandise in Mexico? You wouldn't want to disappoint our cute little mascot would you?
Time for pony history! Dragonlord Ember took over today, we got new plushie patterns, and more! Check it out below.
Digging through Pony History every day has me thinking about all of the crazy emotions the fandom went through over the years. You don't get thise close to a bunch of characters without feeling something after all! Friendship is Magic touched on some very sensitive subjects, so lets tlak about it.
Which episode hit you right in the feels? Did your dislike of Diamond Tiara get punched in the gut when you found out how awful her family was? Or maybe your cold dead heart didn't get shattered until the finale seeing the mane 6 older and Twilight as a Celestia sized alicorn?
Drop your most feely episode below!
There is a lack of Lyra lately, so have her as your header today.
Go get poni art below!
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Morning Discussion #2988
by CalpainLook at all of that reindeer royalty! Who do you think looks the best?Morning my friends! How are you all doing on this Monday morning? Ready to get going?
Twitter: Calpain