Nightly Discussion #3187
by CalpainPoor Hitch, dragged into their crazy plans~Evening everyone, hope you are all doing great! Ready to chat?
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This Day in Pony History - April 12th - Toys R' Us Exclusives (R.I.P), Giant Infatable Pony Knockoffs, and More!
by SethistoChina has always been a funny place when it comes to knockoff pony merchandise, including these were inflatables. We also saw exclusive gothic Celestia out of Toys R' Us, and lots of other things!
Get your daily history for April 12th below.
Fluttershy anyone? I bet most people would accept a lifesize shy into their houses.
Get plushie ponies below!
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by lumithekirin on Twitter -
The bats will dance.
It's art time here on EQD! Go get it all below.
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Neon Dancefloor by Helmie-Art on Deviantart -
For all of you Adventure Quest fans out there still pluggin away, they apparently launched a buch of pony reference pirate outfits a few days ago, starring Dash, Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy. You can find them in the featured gear shop according to their news announcement.
They also have a mini game going as part of April Fools, filled with mare of course! You can read about that one over here.
Thanks to Firestorm “Danger” Dash for the heads up!
This animatic follows the events of one released four months ago, so be sure to watch that first!
Today we dive into part two. Expect drama, G5 ponies, and friendship!
Morning Discussion #2983
by CalpainRemember to believe in yourself!Morning everyone, I hope you all slept ok. Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain