Nightly Discussion #3139
by CalpainGreat, now I want some Cheez-Its too...Evening everyone! How was your day? Ready to take on Friday?
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This Day in Pony History - February 23th - FUN FUN FUN, DWK, And the Nightmare of UNICORN Begins!
by SethistoTwilight Flopple / Foxxy was one of those early fandom artists that spawned so many memes. So many concepts that stuck around for ages.
Today we are primarily video based! Unicon was getting going, but we won't see the massive explosions from that for a few days. It's going to be interesting...
Go get everything from February 23rd below!
If you grew up in the 90's, you probably ran into "fart" humor a lot in cartoons. It was all the rage on Nickelodeon. Over time though, the concept kinda fell to the wayside and it's honestly surprising to see it employed as a running gag in our pony cartoon with Sparky.
This is the second time now that he has unleashed the bowel beast, and I'm probably not the only one that ends up surprised at how weirded out I get from it despite this literally being a staple of my own childhood's cartoons. Personally, it has me wondering why? What changed?
After a mental deep-dive, I've realized that fanart is probably to blame. It's that gross image that pops up in an image gallery from someone who is obviously into it, and over time I've compartmentalized it into the balloons and feet category. Stuff I just tend to avoid posting here if it even looks slightly fetishy. Seeing it pop up in the actual show is jarring to me on a subconscious level, and it looks like it happens for a lot of you too.
Anyway, what do you all think? Is this a hit with the kids these days? Or has society moved on from this kind of humor? Was it ruined by people using it for questionable purposes?
Pet the pony. It is required.
Get lots of awesome art below as always!
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by airiniblock on Twitter -
Comics: Inefficency / HorseGPT / Hearth's Warming Eve #11 / Adorkable - Cleanliness / TotF #2-58
by SethistoComic time! We've got dragon solutions and more today. Get them above and below and click for full as always.
It must have been a pain to sew all those patches! That is a very detailed bananapone.
Get a bunch of pony plushies below!
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by timbananas on Twitter -
Description:Equestria is sometimes referred to as the land of second chances, all the more so after Luna's return. Songs are sung of Princess Celestia's benevolence and forgiveness, and legends are told that she can look directly into a creature's heart and see whether there is good in them. Others whisper that she is soft, and weak, and will let anypony off with a slap on the wrist.
Neither is quite true, but there was quite a firestorm of rumours when she decided to set Discord free. Many would like to know what precisely she was thinking to attempt to put a leash on a being who could plunge the land into chaos with a casual thought, but Celestia has kept the reasons close to her chest.
She's pretty sure nopony would believe her anyway. Sometimes the truth is stranger than rumours.
Better To Ask Forgiveness
We have a Tell Your Tale episode this week apparently! Head on down below for Sparky this time.
And as always, get all TYT episodes over here.
Morning Discussion #2935
by CalpainSun or Moon, which do you choose?Morning everyone! Rest well? We're almost at the weekend!
Twitter: Calpain