Nightly Discussion #3134
by CalpainIt's Saturday night! Are you ready to party down with Vinyl?Evening my friends, how are you all doing tonight? Ready to get your groove on?
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This Day in Pony History - February 18th - What Did Japan Think of Pony? Was the Fandom Ready for Humanized Ponies?!
by SethistoIt's history time once again! Surprisingly, it wasn't too busy on the 18th of February across the years, but we did have a few interesting things appear.
For one, I think a lot of people assumed that pony in Japan would be a huge success since they are so well known for their cutesy animal characters. We decided to find out the reality on that one by asking a fan over there and the results were pretty surprising!
And the fandom voted on NO for humanized ponies. Woops. Go check it out below!
Little Pip header, cause FOE is popular and stuff.
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by Gouransion on Twitter -
Description:Starlight Glimmer is many things. Master of the arcane arts, Headmare of the School of Friendship, Savior of Equestria, and a truly fantastic friend to those she holds dear. Apparently, according to Trixie and Sunburst, she's also an awesome marefriend. There is, of course, one big problem with that theory: How can you be an awesome marefriend if you don't even know you're dating your best friends in the first place? Starlight may or may not need to add "Romantically Inept Doofus" to her list of titles.
Possibly, Probably, Positively Platonic
Comics: Flametastic Birthday / The Truth... / Adorkable - Gossip Group / Nightmare Night
by SethistoAJ and Dashie, the after years. We never did see much home life out of Dashie.
Comic time. Get them above and below and click for full as always.
Morning Discussion #2930
by CalpainLuna in a hoodie is always appropriate.Morning everyone! I hope you slept well and are ready for a great weekend ahead! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain