Nightly Discussion #3118
by CalpainYou might like hugs, Pinkie, but please make sure to let Rainbow breathe.Evening everyone, how are you all doing? Ready to chat?
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This Day in Pony History - February 2nd - Dating Colorful Horses, Derpy Drama, Madmax Comics, and More!
by SethistoSource February 2nd was an interesting day for pony. In one year, we were dating ponies. In another, we were supporting Derpy Hooves when Hasbro tried to sweep her under the rug. I'm glad she ended up being such a fandom icon in the end!
Go get your history from 2011-2018 below.
Description: From all her time working as a mail mare, Derpy has acquired quite some expertise in cardboard boxes and uses her talents to create the most indomitable cardboard box fort right in Anon's garden. All is fun and games until Equestria's aristocracy gets wind of it and decide it poses a credible threat to their power and reputation.
Originally written for the Kinderquestria thread, where the cute, childlike innocence of ponies is taken to it's absolute comedic extent.
Derpy's Cardboard Castle
Comics: Good Friend / Classified / AtN #24 / AtN Recrutment #1 / Adorkable - Amethyst Rising
by SethistoTwilight is going through some stuff. Luckily Spike is there to help her out!
Comic time everyone. Go get them above and below and click for full.
Cadance Day is prtetty close! Lets header with her to celebrate.
Get more pony art below.
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by red_tsukini on Twitter -
Applejack headers are rare! Let's do that.
Get cute cuddly poni below.
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by larsen_toys on Twitter -
Author: Casketbase77
Description:Maudie Pie can't get over her younger sister's colorless coltfriend. Even more worrisome is this isn't the first divide between herself and stoic little Pinkamena.
Is Maudie out of touch? Or is her flighty anxiety just acting up again? The best advice would come from a theoretical pony who thinks like Mena but acts like Maudie.
Good thing some sisterly bonds can hop between realities.
Bright Grey, Dull Pink
Sonata is pretty cool. She's a good siren.
Get a bunch of anthro and human below!
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sonata doodles by granatty on Deviantart -
Morning Discussion #2914
by CalpainIsn't it a bit early in the morning for drinking, Berry?Morning my friends, hope you are all doing ok. Ready to get the day started?
Twitter: Calpain