Nightly Discussion #3110
by CalpainTiny Shy is here to give you tiny little heart attacks.Evening my friends, hope you are all doing well! Ready to get your chat on?
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Comics: Trixie and Food / Security Please / Crusaders 57-60 / Hearths #7 / TotF #2-54 / Applefection #139-140 / Movie - Anastasia
by SethistoWe've got a huge comic post today! Get cute Trixie failing at food, and lots of others below and click them for the full versions as always.
Celestia is pretty. Please appreciate the sun today, and get lots of art below!
[1] Source
by Spoosha3 on Twitter
G5 My Little Pony Toolkit for 2022 Released! Color Guides, Bios, Variants, and Early Art!
by SethistoA Very interesting pile of images has released dedicated to Make Your Mark. In slideshow style format, it goes over a bunch of things for each of the mane 5, from their personality types, to full on bios and color guides for their 2D forms. Along with that, it has a bunch of neat flat background assets, probably for toy boces and other thinkgs.
If you want a deepdive into your new poni heroes, go check it all out below!
Author: Vivid SyntaxDescription: While preparing for a sad celebration, Fashion Plate and Rivet reminisce about a lifetime of happiness.
And You Said Yes
Additional Tags: Love for queer background ponies -
Source Your Dashie Day is a week away, and it's time to celebrate her!
To send something in, fire an email off to SubmitEQD@gmail. with RAINBOW DASH DAY followed by what it is, so RAINBOW DASH DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Now go make Rainbow content. She will love you for it.
Morning Discussion #2906
by CalpainI can see Tempest joining the resistance and she certainly would not be going down without a fight.Morning everyone, hope you are well. Ready for a new day?
Twitter: Calpain