Do you play romhacks? It's kinda crazy that the entire gaming library from my childhood fits on my phone in 2023 and plays nearly perfectly. Kid me would have been a straight F student with access to this much entertainment for nothing.
Time for history! Get 12/26 interesting things below.
Notch from Minecraft came in and hopped on top of the Humble Bundle to try to beat us. We had 1 day of war remaining!
There was an alternate ending to Wonderbolts Academy! It was revealed today.
Three's a Crowd was revealed and synopsis changed today. Originally we thought it also had weird al in it due to weird wording used for a press release Hasbro sent out.
Olyfactory released another wave of ponies Hasbro would never touch.
Super Mario Allstars got a pony mod today for anyone interested in venturing into romhacks.
Cute animation, and we interviewed Celeb -Yoshi!
The My Little Pony Movie Captain Celeano figure was revealed today.