Nightly Discussion #3444
by CalpainAll of us at EqD here wish you a Happy New Year! We hope that 2024 finds you well and gives you lots of opportunities for adventure, happiness and more!Drink responsibly if you do drink and keep safe out there!
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This Day in Pony History - December 31st - Season 5 Poster, Turnabout Storm 2, Best Sisters Pokemon Snap, and More!
by SethistoToday was surprisingly full of interesting stuff, from that amazing poster up there with all of season 5's characters, to the release of some major fan pony projects.
Go get all the history for 12/31 below.
The mares will celebrate new years! Go watch fireworks tonight, or have fun. Hopefully 2024 is good!
Go get art below.
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by rivin177 -
Description:If there's a holiday, then somepony's probably overdecorated for it. The Greening has seen entire homes blend into the local grass, while Lambvent shrouds neighborhoods in wool and Hearth's Warming traditionally welcomes guests into homes through making it impossible to see where the front door is. But if Ponyville's going to get dressed up anyway, then Town Hall might as well have a little contest built around it. The mayor signed off on that.
Which meant there was a period of at least two seconds in which Marigold Mare completely forgot her town hosts the Bearers -- and that she'd just given them a reason to compete against each other.
Morning Discussion #3241
by CalpainOne more group shot from me before the year ends. Can you believe it is New Year's Eve already?Morning my friends to the last day of 2023! I hope next year is a good one for all of us, let's make the most of it to try and make it that way.
Nightly Discussion #3443
by CalpainAdd glasses, cuteness increases by at least double.Evening everyone! Have a lovely Saturday, I hope? Better make the most of it, it is the last Saturday of the year after all.
Hearth's Warming Eve is your best of the best pony holiday according to this poll! Personally I'm more of a Nightmare Night fan, but they are all great anyway.
Poll Results: What Was Your Absolute Favorite Friendship is Magic Season Opener?
Get these results below,a nd go vote on the new one on the side bar.
Morning Discussion #3240
by CalpainOne thing I do like about this time of year is the spirit of it all. While the rest of the year can be a depressing mess, during the holidays it does give us a chance to share a little bit with the ones we love and bring a bit of joy into each other's lives, even if for a little while.Morning everyone, not much longer on the 2023 clock. You ready for it?
Nightly Discussion #3442
by CalpainI always feel bad about missing person's cases, that sense of uncertainty for the family where they are in limbo not knowing what exactly happened to the person they loved. It's always so tragic, but all the more sweet when someone is eventually found.Evening everyone, didn't mean to get a bit sad there. How are you all doing? Ready to chat?
This Day in Pony History - December 29th - FLUTTERBAT FEVER, More Youtube Takedowns, Viral Starwars Ponies, and More!
by SethistoThere was a brief time in 2015 where pony was going viral again thanks to these Star Wars figures. Even here on EQD we saw a lot of new people come in.
Flutterbat fever and loads of other things happened on 12/29 over the years. Head on down below for history!
Description:Scootaloo—the pony one—takes a holiday trip through the mirror portal. Scootaloo—the human one—tries to not pull all her hair out.
Scootaloo Too
Have some pony with you human/anthro compilation today. That's always welcome in this sea of bipeds.
Go get art below!
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by sharpycharot -
Who is Derpy asking out?
Time for art! Go get it all below.
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clueless by Velsea on Deviantart -
Morning Discussion #3239
by CalpainI was a bit surprised that Tell Your Tale managed to gain quite a following compared to Make Your Mark! I'm glad for that, it would have felt very one-sided if one of the main shows was sort of sidelined for the other.Anyhow, good morning everyone! Sleep well, I hope? How are you all doing?
Nightly Discussion #3441
by CalpainRarity and Spike still seem to cause arguments today among people in the fandom, but I honestly tend to like them best when they are just best buds helping each other out like this.Evening my friends, we're getting closer to the weekend and thus the end of another year. Feels like it went by fast, didn't it? Ready to chat and relax?
Source I thought it might be fun to go back in time and look at some of the very old discussions on here to see how things have changed in the culture and such. So let's look at one of the oldest ones I can find (from March 24th, 2011) here.
The question is: "What Will You Do Without Ponies?", and the context is that Season 1 was coming near to its conclusion. It's funny to look back on now that we have so much pony content, but this was 12 and a half years ago.
So to ask again at the end of 2023 in the time of G5, what would you do if all MLP content came to a close?
Personally, I think the fandom has grown to a level where I am not worried if the official material ends. It already has ended for G4 4 years ago, but we still do a good enough job keeping the spirit alive. I have faith that as long as the fandom wants to keep itself alive, it will. It is a little sad when the train of G5 content winds down (like in between the chapters of Make Your Mark; low key I would almost rather the episodes come out weekly to fill in the gaps better but that's a whole 'nother discussion), but there will be more in time (if Hasbro doesn't implode first x_x).
They are a little freaky looking and kinda dumb, but we've got our first iteration of interactive AI ponies appearing now from someone over on Youtube named blob. Considering it's just a fan project, it's still really impressive to see the fusion of all these new technologies coming together for something like this.
Are we on the cusp of fully interactive AI video games with poni? I sure hope so.
Go get them below.
Full Size Here That's a lot of wintery ponies up there. Hopefully they had fun over the holidays.
Time for art! go get it below.
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Winter Wish Day Holiday BIG YCH - Finished! by Rutkotka on Deviantart -
A toy company called Yootooz has revealed that they are working on a line of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic plushies. They don't detail much at all, other than posting up a trio of concept drawings starring Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash.
Hopefully we will get to see the plush themselves soon. For now, you can check out their general design over on their website with other brands. They tend to be pretty high quality and detailed, with prices around $30.
Get concepts for the other two below.
Morning Discussion #3238
by CalpainA snowball fight sounds like a lot of fun! Just make sure not to pack any ice into them, ok?Morning everyone! We're one step closer to a new year. Are you ready for it?
Nightly Discussion #3440
by CalpainStill have some holiday plans with friends and family?Evening everyone, I hope you all managed to have a lovely day. Ready to get to chatting?