Derpy Hooves was on fire in 2011! Lots of merchandise and game additions included our favorite fandom wall-eyed mare. To think that she started off as a bored animator just giving a pegasus uneven eyes for funzies.
Time for history! Go get it all below.
Derpy was all the rage around this time, as more and more companies hopped on board to promote her. We also got the Twilight Sparkle teaser for Fighting is Magic.
Hasbro typically is pretty cool about us just doing whatever with pony. Considering how dangerous it is to even Google any of the G4 ponies these days with all of the nightmare content out there, they've largely left us alone.
When they do step in though, it's always so... devastating. Removing Derpy from The Last Roundup, and Destroying Fighting is Magic are two things that the fandom always has a hard time forgiving. They largely ignore us these days, but back then the Hasbro wars were a big deal.
Guild Wars 2 had a pony quest line. I still prefer the first game, but this one is pretty good.
More mysterious plushies appeared on Ebay, with Luna and Derpy in the first set.
We also got some Putting Your Hoof Down editorializing.
A neat PMV, an amazing Drawfriend header, and Bronies reacted to G3.
Mentally Advanced releassed an episode, Scare Master got a followup, and Dashie... baked a pizza? Or something? I'm still confused at this one.
Pumpkins hit another level, and whatever the hell that thing is.
Songbird Serenade got a Hallmark ornament. It's Christmas time~
Equestria Girls was removed from Netflix today, starting a cascade of removals. I think most of Friendship is Magic is gone at this point.