• Discussion: Do You Go to Conventions/Meetups?



    Have you ever been to a convention or meetup?  Do you still go to them?  Do you plan on doing one someday?

    Personally, I've been to a few, but I want to go to some more.  I went to Everfree last year (couldn't make it this year) and the past 3 TrotCons.  I wanna try them all eventually though at least, money and time permitting.  The ones I have been to were some of the most fun I have had in this fandom.  It's a great place to meet people you only talk to online, or perhaps new people you have never interacted with at all.  I'm planning on going to Everfree next year (already paid for everything), so I hope to see some of you guys there!  Speaking of which, if you guys have any intention of going to that next year, you should buy your badges as soon as you are able.  They need some help right now.


    Anyway,  I'm just personally curious how much y'all care about cons or if you have been to any.  They are kind of a niche even within the fandom, and I wanted to see if there was much overlap onto here.