Today we celebrated Fluttershy swearing in German, The Pony Christmas album's announcement, Sweetie Bot things, and loads more!
Go get all the history for 10/27 below.
Slow Day! Have princesses.
Pony pumpkins anyone? We used to run big events each year for these, but the lack of submissions the last few kinda killed it, so go celebrate old pumpkins!
And I remember a lot of people liking this Carnival Cat Vs. Ponyville song. I still have no idea what the fanon was, but these more Disney-esque songs are always welcome int he sea of electronic and rock we usually go through.
And ponies did the Power Puffs.
It's always fun to read old "what we wish for" editorials and see what came true. Usually nothing! Where were the bats???
Also The Last Rounderp got an editorial.
There's a lot of Sweetie Bot today, so have the battlebot and a cute piece of art!
And joining that, Lena Hall confirmed she'd be a poni. We eventually got Countess Coloratura of course. We also had some Fluffle.
The Pony Kind of Christmas album was announced today and put up for pre-order! I stil love some of these tracks.
Swearing Fluttershy was the highlight of today. And I still find German shy to be adorable.
Legends of Equestria added bats today!