Somnambula got her comic today! It's very cute. Go read it.
And while you do that, check out history! Everything from Dragons on Dazzle Island to silly chair ads. Get it all below.
Diablo 3 had pony references. It's also over a decade old. You will feel old like I do after these posts are done!
Today we posted a jokey review about a chair from Lyra's perspective. This lead to people thinking we were actually doing sponsored articles for chairs, and sending a flood of angry emails. So many angry emails. Luckily it was a joke. It's still a good chair though~
Reading Rainbow got on the pony train today with a Rainbow Dash facebook post.
Bronies 2 was releasing episodes, with their Cosplay special dropping today.
Rupert Grint posted more ponies today, and the 10th Mentally Advanced episode dropped.
Another round of books released, with that unique Dragons on Dazzle Island dropping today.
The best Legends of Magic comic released today! Yay Boola~