Every day is Luna day. Or it would be if I can help it. We had a lot of moonpone today, artist spotlights, and more!
Head on down below for your major events of 9/13 over the years below.
The giant fandom coloring book project dropped today, bringing on a pile of pages for everyone to color and draw on, or convert family members to poni with.
The teaser alone for this one was super hype. We love our Luna~
And of course, with that knowledge in hand, Hasbro wanted in on the moon-mare action. Today was the release of the Luna micro!
I'm just going to keep the Luna train rolling. She headered today's Drawfriend post, and we got an animation release with her and Celestia.
Luna got an editorial today, and I dove into the Amazon Underground version of the MLP game to see if they really did fix the nightmarish microtransactions of the original. Too bad this concept kinda died.
And that's the end of the Luna chain. Today was Rarity day, which meant almost every post was dedicated to fashionpone.
Comic #58 released today, and this badass Sphinx art too~
I did an interview with QTpony for our Artist Spotlight series today, because these things are painfully cute.