Would you accept the Duckmac?
We've got history again today! We cover everything from people freaking out that the fandom was dying in 2018, to amazing animation projects and more! Go get it all below.
The fandom really loved Pony Swag. So much that it ended up chaining into a bunch of people adding bars and remixing the hell out of it. This happened enough that the musician community ended up just running an event for it.
Translucent blindbag figures popped up today. We weren't sure when we'd actually get them since Taobao constantly leaked weird blindbag stuff, but people were looking forward to them if they collected these.
Before the animation, we got an epic PMV for Lullaby for a Princess. And joining that, adorable art and these weird shoes.
BATTLE. It's good.
PONIES: The Anthology #5 released today. Also ducks. There were ducks.
Scrapbooks anyone? We've got another one of those, and Tails of Equestria was fully revealed today.
That short lived K'NEX pony set was revealed today.
BronyCon shut down, and people were freaking out that the fandom was dead. Here we are 5 years later! Even if EQD is barely keeping me afloat these days I'll keep this nonsense going!
We also have the 69th MLP comic released.