Remember when Hasbro loved the Derp too? It's too bad we went through that rocky period with them. At least she's fully recovered at this point.
Time for history! Go get it all below.
Before Derpygate, there was huge support for Derpy behind the scenes at Hasbro. At least she was redeemed in the end.
Party pony anyone? Fighting is Magic revealed pinkie Pie and all of her shenanigans today!
Hooves sapients living in a simulation. These were always fun.
And this Twi-light was cool.
There was a Ted Anderson interview today for anyone who were fans of his work int he comics.
Anyone remember Raycord Legends? Another really impressive project that seems to have disappeared as of 7 years ago.
Nothing happened, so have this amazing Flutterbat that I actually have hanging on my wall.
Mexico ran their MLP pony run today, and this video of Twilight will still hit you in the feels.
The first airing of "A Matter of Principals" released today! Australia got it this time.