Today Dr. Hooves was officially named by the licensees at We Love Fine. I still call him by Dr. Whooves though just because it's completely automatic at this point.
Go get a bunch of history for 7/11 below!
We interviewed Jayson Thiessen today! It's interesting to hear about his old thoughts on pony.
Today the trading cards for pony released. We also had the first official merchandise that named Dr. Hooves, and Adventure ponies appeared for SDCC.
These pony brick exclusives appeared at SDCC.
We got the reveal of Mane-Iac today, and the My Little Pony CCG ended up being even higher than MTG for popularity this month. It's too bad it didn't keep going over the years.
Epic Rap Battles got some Rainbow Dash and Pinkie, Sweetie Belle's VA got an OC, and Twilight Sparkle signed a pact with C'thulu.