Hello everyone and I don't just mean our participants in the NATG this year! As always when we have another summer roll around we have the NATG and as always we have pony artists of all different skill levels, both big and small, participate. While the number of participants may be lower this year, the enthusiasm sure was not as I believe this group of students was some of our most dedicated yet and I could not be more proud of them.
Over the course of the NATG they managed to draw up a storm and bring us 2172 ponies in total! Another impressive showing by our artists this year.
And now that the NATG has come to an end, it is time for them all to graduate from this year's event and I hope you all join me in congratulating them! Check out the gallery after the break and make sure to leave some encouraging comments, I'm sure they will love to see them.
As for my students this year, it was an honor to have you and I can't wait to see you all again when this kicks off in full swing next year!
6 "Happy Graduation, Va con Dios! (Go with God!)" - Emerald Pencil

This has been a great NATG! I only got to maybe five or so of the prompts, but it was still great! May God bless you all! Note: The graduation cap is being thrown so that the bottom of the cap is facing the viewer. Verse of the Day: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16 ESV, from the Bible).

This has been a great NATG! I only got to maybe five or so of the prompts, but it was still great! May God bless you all! Note: The graduation cap is being thrown so that the bottom of the cap is facing the viewer. Verse of the Day: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16 ESV, from the Bible).
19 Dawn and Beyond - EveryDayDashie

Fillies and gentlecolts, it has been an absolute pleasure to finish this monumental marathon with everyone again. To wrap things up with a grand finale, I decided to truly step out of my comfort zone and explore the world of 3D modeling. Besides the rocky terrain which was made using icospheres and rock textures, we went a step further and transform our OC into a full MYM-accurate model thanks to this incredible community-driven project known as Make Your Pony. Without them, I don't think this final render would be possible as they've made the process of creating 3D ponies and scenes much easier. Finally, I proceeded with the final touch as I moved the render to my phone and added my style of shading and lighting, bringing out the true, lively pride of completing NATG we all deserve at this moment. This year has been more than amazing and it was such a blast to see everyone improving and succeeding in this collaborative journey. A massive thank you to Calpain and everypony!

Fillies and gentlecolts, it has been an absolute pleasure to finish this monumental marathon with everyone again. To wrap things up with a grand finale, I decided to truly step out of my comfort zone and explore the world of 3D modeling. Besides the rocky terrain which was made using icospheres and rock textures, we went a step further and transform our OC into a full MYM-accurate model thanks to this incredible community-driven project known as Make Your Pony. Without them, I don't think this final render would be possible as they've made the process of creating 3D ponies and scenes much easier. Finally, I proceeded with the final touch as I moved the render to my phone and added my style of shading and lighting, bringing out the true, lively pride of completing NATG we all deserve at this moment. This year has been more than amazing and it was such a blast to see everyone improving and succeeding in this collaborative journey. A massive thank you to Calpain and everypony!
20 Release - Equestria Exploration

(To clarify, the third definition of 'graduate' is 'change (something, typically colour or shade) gradually or step by step. - "the colour is graduated from the middle of the frame to the top" ', which I'm guessing is where the word 'gradient' comes from. So, that's the main prompt I'm working off. Hope that counts ^^)

(To clarify, the third definition of 'graduate' is 'change (something, typically colour or shade) gradually or step by step. - "the colour is graduated from the middle of the frame to the top" ', which I'm guessing is where the word 'gradient' comes from. So, that's the main prompt I'm working off. Hope that counts ^^)
29 Twilight's Alicorn Ascension - KevinHz19

Twilight becoming an Alicorn. When she became a Princess, she is automatically no longer Celestia's student. So, that counts as automatic graduation, right? Hail the new Princess at that scene when it first time aired, then as the Princess of Friendship later, and finale as the new Princess of Equestria. Based from Season 3 Episode 13. (This was fun, this NATG event. Until next time.)

Twilight becoming an Alicorn. When she became a Princess, she is automatically no longer Celestia's student. So, that counts as automatic graduation, right? Hail the new Princess at that scene when it first time aired, then as the Princess of Friendship later, and finale as the new Princess of Equestria. Based from Season 3 Episode 13. (This was fun, this NATG event. Until next time.)
35 Proper goodby - Ragmo

I'd like to thank the EQD staff for having us again this years :3 nice to see that we've have around as many submissions as last year of old and new faces :) These were some exhausting 33 days, but its awesome to have that event once every year. Again thank you;and looking forward for next years NATG As for the picture: Caveman Pony was transported to our modern times back during NATG VI Day 22.Starlight wasn't as precise with Starswirls timetravel spell as she wanted to be.He was just swooped up from his time and didnt even have time to say goodby :( Now he's with us for almost 7(!) years.He learned alot in his new home,managed to graduate,re-invented the wheel and found lots of new friends!Now Starlight opened the portal again and Caveman Pony can give his old home a proper goodby,that stone is very important to him!He also could stay in the past,but i think he likes our present days more,especially because of his friends. Maybbe he'll find that stone in the future someday.

I'd like to thank the EQD staff for having us again this years :3 nice to see that we've have around as many submissions as last year of old and new faces :) These were some exhausting 33 days, but its awesome to have that event once every year. Again thank you;and looking forward for next years NATG As for the picture: Caveman Pony was transported to our modern times back during NATG VI Day 22.Starlight wasn't as precise with Starswirls timetravel spell as she wanted to be.He was just swooped up from his time and didnt even have time to say goodby :( Now he's with us for almost 7(!) years.He learned alot in his new home,managed to graduate,re-invented the wheel and found lots of new friends!Now Starlight opened the portal again and Caveman Pony can give his old home a proper goodby,that stone is very important to him!He also could stay in the past,but i think he likes our present days more,especially because of his friends. Maybbe he'll find that stone in the future someday.
43 Whenever graduation comes about, Smolder and Samantha cheer as they get their diplomas. - tarkan809
45 - AdamV20 (a.k.a SAWMASTER)

Today is the end of this great event. This was a really crazy journey. Progress, even if not huge for me, is here and that what was a main goal of this event! NATG was something that I needed. Event that got me out from my comfort zone. Before that I was drawing rarely, mainly because I had 'less demanding, easier' things to do and also sometimes I just didn't have enough time to do so (oh... If only day had 30 hours...). But because of NATG I got more confident at drawing and it is much easier for me now to just start doing it! Going back to the image, I haven't done it in colour (well, I turned the saturation down basicaly) because I'm still not certain about my OC. I wasn't happy with the colours I used. I didn't stick at it this time, yeah. I had a crazy idea to add Calpain standing next to me as a mentor, but this would be to much xD. Congratulations for everyone who took part! Broohoof /) Cert by AceFox95

Today is the end of this great event. This was a really crazy journey. Progress, even if not huge for me, is here and that what was a main goal of this event! NATG was something that I needed. Event that got me out from my comfort zone. Before that I was drawing rarely, mainly because I had 'less demanding, easier' things to do and also sometimes I just didn't have enough time to do so (oh... If only day had 30 hours...). But because of NATG I got more confident at drawing and it is much easier for me now to just start doing it! Going back to the image, I haven't done it in colour (well, I turned the saturation down basicaly) because I'm still not certain about my OC. I wasn't happy with the colours I used. I didn't stick at it this time, yeah. I had a crazy idea to add Calpain standing next to me as a mentor, but this would be to much xD. Congratulations for everyone who took part! Broohoof /) Cert by AceFox95
51 after grad party - Vapor Trail
80 Wonderbolt Zipp - AdamV20 (a.k.a SAWMASTER)

Zippy is happy! And I managed to draw second image for the final prompt! Hurray! (excluding that I'm doing it few hours beforethe end, when I had a few days to make it, but shh!) When I started colouring it I realised that i'm doing it on factured paper. It doesn't look bad but I like colouring on 'normal' paper more, it's more 'solid'

Zippy is happy! And I managed to draw second image for the final prompt! Hurray! (excluding that I'm doing it few hours beforethe end, when I had a few days to make it, but shh!) When I started colouring it I realised that i'm doing it on factured paper. It doesn't look bad but I like colouring on 'normal' paper more, it's more 'solid'
Twitter: Calpain