I really do love that we're seeing Earth Ponies getting to learn about their own magical abilities in G5, it really does round out the pony races a bit. And speaking of learning things, it has been nice to learn a bit more about all of you too! Surprising to see a number of VR sets this year, must mean the technology is starting to catch on a bit more and means it is about time I get in the game myself.
As for today, we managed to bring in 65 ponies which brings us to a ten-day total of 788 ponies altogether. Nicely done everyone!
Now for the prompt you all have been waiting for: No prompt at all because it is our first Makeup Day!
If you have prior prompts to catch up on, feel free to use this day to submit them, but if you're all caught up, feel free to use today to rest a bit. You all have certainly earned it. I'll put a list of the prompts after the break and on the submitter.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 4096x4096! If your image is larger than that, the submitter will resize it to that max resolution.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
Prior Prompts:
Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony frozen in time
Day 2: Draw a pony making their move / Draw a pony bursting with life
Day 3: Draw a pony gearing up / Draw a pony taking the world by storm
Day 4: Draw a pony with a secret mission / Draw a pony being sly as a fox
Day 5: Draw a pony enjoying nature / Draw a pony finding harmony in chaos
Day 6: Draw a pony playing a sport / Draw a pony experiencing the bliss of triumph or agony of defeat
Day 7: Draw a pony experiencing love at first sight/ Draw a pony falling for someone
Day 8: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony starting over
Day 9: Draw a pony lining their pockets / Draw a pony finding a silver lining
Day 10: Draw a pony doing something you like to do in real life (outside of drawing) / Draw a
pony trying something new
Twitter: Calpain
Day 2: Draw a pony making their move / Draw a pony bursting with life
Day 3: Draw a pony gearing up / Draw a pony taking the world by storm
Day 4: Draw a pony with a secret mission / Draw a pony being sly as a fox
Day 5: Draw a pony enjoying nature / Draw a pony finding harmony in chaos
Day 6: Draw a pony playing a sport / Draw a pony experiencing the bliss of triumph or agony of defeat
Day 7: Draw a pony experiencing love at first sight/ Draw a pony falling for someone
Day 8: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony starting over
Day 9: Draw a pony lining their pockets / Draw a pony finding a silver lining
Day 10: Draw a pony doing something you like to do in real life (outside of drawing) / Draw a
pony trying something new
15 Strings of Sentiments - EveryDayDashie

I trotted to the grassy hill beside the sky garden, reached into my bag, and retrieved the pink ukulele. Running my hoof over the delicate fluorocarbon strings, I began to play softly, one note at a time. With each note, memories of the past flooded my mind like a scrapbook of my childhood. Another batch of poetic stanzas began to form in my mind: "Searching for you in the silver lining. Every starry night, strumming and singing. Thinking about you, lingering in our reveries. Alone on the hills, spiraling in our memories. Singing on the street, capturing my first gaze. Enchanted by your voice, your silky violet mane. Gifted me the pink uke, consoling me to play. To recapture the past, but the days have faded away." As I continued strumming this adorable ukulele gift, I felt a cluster of happy memories washed over me, cleansing the negative concerns and loneliness tangled in my soul for a long time, until drifting off to sleep with nostalgia still ringing in my ears...

I trotted to the grassy hill beside the sky garden, reached into my bag, and retrieved the pink ukulele. Running my hoof over the delicate fluorocarbon strings, I began to play softly, one note at a time. With each note, memories of the past flooded my mind like a scrapbook of my childhood. Another batch of poetic stanzas began to form in my mind: "Searching for you in the silver lining. Every starry night, strumming and singing. Thinking about you, lingering in our reveries. Alone on the hills, spiraling in our memories. Singing on the street, capturing my first gaze. Enchanted by your voice, your silky violet mane. Gifted me the pink uke, consoling me to play. To recapture the past, but the days have faded away." As I continued strumming this adorable ukulele gift, I felt a cluster of happy memories washed over me, cleansing the negative concerns and loneliness tangled in my soul for a long time, until drifting off to sleep with nostalgia still ringing in my ears...
27 Surfin' Misty - Mintwhistle

Misty tries her hoof at surfing... it's not going to end well, to say the least. For this one, I mainly used the wet watercolor brush in Medibang, which is why it looks a little strange. (I accidentally used the pencil tool when doing her mane, tail, and possibly her ear and horn - it occurred while I was trying to correct a mistake on one of the layers.)

Misty tries her hoof at surfing... it's not going to end well, to say the least. For this one, I mainly used the wet watercolor brush in Medibang, which is why it looks a little strange. (I accidentally used the pencil tool when doing her mane, tail, and possibly her ear and horn - it occurred while I was trying to correct a mistake on one of the layers.)
35 Acey the Solitaire Master - Alyssa Rice

Anyone who remembers Acey automatically gets a veteran's discount. I haven't drawn Acey in a while, so when I saw the prompt for Day 10, I was like, "Why not include her in the challenge?" Like Acey, I actually do enjoy playing solitaire IRL. Sure, I'm not a "pro" at it, but it's just something I do for fun ?

Anyone who remembers Acey automatically gets a veteran's discount. I haven't drawn Acey in a while, so when I saw the prompt for Day 10, I was like, "Why not include her in the challenge?" Like Acey, I actually do enjoy playing solitaire IRL. Sure, I'm not a "pro" at it, but it's just something I do for fun ?
48 Music Lovers - Ebony Crystal

Don't you just love it when you finally get to listen to a new album from one of your favorite bands? Well Ebony sure does! She had just gotten a new record to add to her collection and couldn't wait to play it, her dad's old record player still in great condition thanks to her care, played the record perfectly. Like she always did when no one was watching, she couldn't help but get into the groove. As it turns out, little Sunshine was a music lover, too, the kitten unable to help but do the same. The pair danced together for what seemed like hours, each song being as great as the last. Ebony had a strong feeling that they'd be dancing to that record for a long time to come~!

Don't you just love it when you finally get to listen to a new album from one of your favorite bands? Well Ebony sure does! She had just gotten a new record to add to her collection and couldn't wait to play it, her dad's old record player still in great condition thanks to her care, played the record perfectly. Like she always did when no one was watching, she couldn't help but get into the groove. As it turns out, little Sunshine was a music lover, too, the kitten unable to help but do the same. The pair danced together for what seemed like hours, each song being as great as the last. Ebony had a strong feeling that they'd be dancing to that record for a long time to come~!
51 Cookies - Frith

It's cookies because I like cookies.Apparently cookies are fattening. Soobel knew this, but I didn't listen! C_II_R found the same silver lining as I did last prompt and if we both pine for cookies this prompt, I call shenanigans! Meanwhile, I have an urge to further deer-ify Dustiel's Luna... Should you care to comment on anything I've drawn (or rants I've made), click on the "Frith" link. I post this stuff there on Dreamwidth and you can post anonymously, no log-in required. Dreamwidth is as peaceful as Luna's night.

It's cookies because I like cookies.Apparently cookies are fattening. Soobel knew this, but I didn't listen! C_II_R found the same silver lining as I did last prompt and if we both pine for cookies this prompt, I call shenanigans! Meanwhile, I have an urge to further deer-ify Dustiel's Luna... Should you care to comment on anything I've drawn (or rants I've made), click on the "Frith" link. I post this stuff there on Dreamwidth and you can post anonymously, no log-in required. Dreamwidth is as peaceful as Luna's night.
Twitter: Calpain