When life is getting you down, whether it is disappointment in something you've been working hard at, things just aren't going right that day or you just feel crumby, it's always nice to seek some sort of silver lining. Maybe, despite how bad things may be, there is something that can be salvaged from the situation and help you build back better than before!
For today, we managed to bring in 64 ponies which brings us up to 723 ponies now as we make it through a third of the NATG. Nicely done everyone!
One of the nice things about artwork is that it allows us to share something about ourselves with others, how we feel, what we like and it is a way to find like-minded individuals (like through ponies for instance). That's why as we get close to our first makeup day, I would like our artists to Draw a pony doing something you like to do in real life (outside of drawing) / Draw a pony trying something new.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 4096x4096! If your image is larger than that, the submitter will resize it to that max resolution.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
9 Shimmering Memories - EveryDayDashie

"Oh, hello? Yeah, sure... I'll be right there soon." Pipp answered the sudden call professionally. "Um, Dashie. I'll have to go now. Thanks for spending your time with me in here." She wrapped up her dialog with a smile, sending shivers of delight down my spine. "Alright then. See you later!" Picking up a tiny amount of aquamarine glitter from the ground, I was teleported back to hours ago. "She's right... Glitter may be small, and even negligible to some, but its glaring appearance was what caught my attention the whole time. And that glittery coating might be... talent?" Suddenly, I felt my imagination activating once again, sending me into a night city of nostalgia and tranquility. "If only life could be this perfect and magical... I really wish there's a silver lining somewhere, taking me back in time and granting me a second chance to fix my jealousy." And just like that, my eyes followed the trail of the glinting stars and I let myself swallowed into an even deeper time warp...

"Oh, hello? Yeah, sure... I'll be right there soon." Pipp answered the sudden call professionally. "Um, Dashie. I'll have to go now. Thanks for spending your time with me in here." She wrapped up her dialog with a smile, sending shivers of delight down my spine. "Alright then. See you later!" Picking up a tiny amount of aquamarine glitter from the ground, I was teleported back to hours ago. "She's right... Glitter may be small, and even negligible to some, but its glaring appearance was what caught my attention the whole time. And that glittery coating might be... talent?" Suddenly, I felt my imagination activating once again, sending me into a night city of nostalgia and tranquility. "If only life could be this perfect and magical... I really wish there's a silver lining somewhere, taking me back in time and granting me a second chance to fix my jealousy." And just like that, my eyes followed the trail of the glinting stars and I let myself swallowed into an even deeper time warp...
12 Aww hell naw who gave the non-unicorns access to the arcane arts - PinkR
38 Newbie Artist Training Grounds XIII - Day 9: Rarity found her Silver Lining - CMC_Scootaloo

A very simple and quick picture, because I am going to play something with my friend soon and I needed to make sure I'll be done before that. But I still managed to draw a rather creative inspiration of the prompt. Instead of a pony finding new hope or seeing a light at the end of a dark tunnel, I drew Rarity with the grey silver streak in her mane that we see her in the future in "The Last Problem" with. She has a silver line in her mane, so there is something poetic and symbolic here. The Wisdom of Old. And there is a super-cool effect here, my silver-colored pencil reflected the light of my camera's flash, I didn't know it does that, now the picture has a special feature to it that emphasizes its symbolic meaning.

A very simple and quick picture, because I am going to play something with my friend soon and I needed to make sure I'll be done before that. But I still managed to draw a rather creative inspiration of the prompt. Instead of a pony finding new hope or seeing a light at the end of a dark tunnel, I drew Rarity with the grey silver streak in her mane that we see her in the future in "The Last Problem" with. She has a silver line in her mane, so there is something poetic and symbolic here. The Wisdom of Old. And there is a super-cool effect here, my silver-colored pencil reflected the light of my camera's flash, I didn't know it does that, now the picture has a special feature to it that emphasizes its symbolic meaning.
41 The Crystal Lining - Lili Dash!

"I may be stuck here for the next 1,000 years, and my physical body may be breaking down into shadow, but at least I have some lovely underground crystals to admire!" Again, this was partially inspired by scenes from Fiendship Is Magic #1. I tried to show that Sombra's physical form is breaking down after being banished by the Princesses, but I probably didn't do the best job. Still this was fun to draw and it's always cool to get to make more art of Sombra based on my own imagining of what happened in the show.

"I may be stuck here for the next 1,000 years, and my physical body may be breaking down into shadow, but at least I have some lovely underground crystals to admire!" Again, this was partially inspired by scenes from Fiendship Is Magic #1. I tried to show that Sombra's physical form is breaking down after being banished by the Princesses, but I probably didn't do the best job. Still this was fun to draw and it's always cool to get to make more art of Sombra based on my own imagining of what happened in the show.
46 2023 NATG day 9 - Argene Disovers Silver Lining - C_||_R

Argene Prothime of ancient Pegasopolis once discovered and befriended a small flock of silver sheep. Trading for some of their wool to take home, Argene found she could weave this wool with clouds' edges, starting the popular trend of lining the darker clouds with silver which has survived to the present day.

Argene Prothime of ancient Pegasopolis once discovered and befriended a small flock of silver sheep. Trading for some of their wool to take home, Argene found she could weave this wool with clouds' edges, starting the popular trend of lining the darker clouds with silver which has survived to the present day.
Twitter: Calpain