Sometimes the best thing to do is to start from scratch to not only save yourself from the frustration of trying to get through the thing you're working on but also to start looking at things from a different angle. If you are too focused on the thing that isn't working you can miss out on the other opportunities around you.
For today we managed to bring in 75 ponies which now brings us up to 659 ponies in total. The needle keeps inching higher everyone!
Even though we might throw a project aside in order to tackle different opportunities, it's how we approach those new opportunities that spur us on and give us motivation. So for today's prompts, I'd like you to take a look at two perspectives of new opportunities by having you Draw a pony lining their pockets / Draw a pony finding the silver lining.
As always you can find the submitter here.For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 4096x4096! If your image is larger than that, the submitter will resize it to that max resolution.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
15 A Marine Musical Mirage - EveryDayDashie

"Oh... really? That's so... sweet." Pipp responded, blushing adorably. Utterly embarrassed by my own words, my cheeks immediately blushed extremely hard as neither Pipp nor I could contain such heavy feelings of... post-confession uneasiness. "Um... of course. I know we're friends, just like you said. Don't you think so?" Soon enough, I couldn't control my mind from indulging in this bubbly fantasy and pictured ourselves staring at each other, traversing in this ever-expanding marine universe as sea ponies. As time went by, we continued roaming in this infinitely gigantic tank of water, and then a little catchy poem popped up in my mind: "Blossoming my heart like the petals. Deep under the sea, like a musical. Your eyes are glistering, and so are mine. Blooming together, couldn't be more divine. Dive into this fantasy and sing our songs. Our hooves may vanish, but not our bonds. Together in this journey, this is just the start. We'll make a thriving future, hoof to heart..."

"Oh... really? That's so... sweet." Pipp responded, blushing adorably. Utterly embarrassed by my own words, my cheeks immediately blushed extremely hard as neither Pipp nor I could contain such heavy feelings of... post-confession uneasiness. "Um... of course. I know we're friends, just like you said. Don't you think so?" Soon enough, I couldn't control my mind from indulging in this bubbly fantasy and pictured ourselves staring at each other, traversing in this ever-expanding marine universe as sea ponies. As time went by, we continued roaming in this infinitely gigantic tank of water, and then a little catchy poem popped up in my mind: "Blossoming my heart like the petals. Deep under the sea, like a musical. Your eyes are glistering, and so are mine. Blooming together, couldn't be more divine. Dive into this fantasy and sing our songs. Our hooves may vanish, but not our bonds. Together in this journey, this is just the start. We'll make a thriving future, hoof to heart..."
36 A Shocking Transformation - Ebony Crystal

Ebony had found a book full of special transformation spells in her latest blind buy at the antique shop, and she couldn't wait to try them out! Little did she know that said spells were special because they turned you into many different creatures from other worlds, one of them being a zebra of all things! She yelled in surprise, jumping three feet in the air, not having expected that at all! Poor little Sunshine got caught off guard, too, jumping and zipping back into the other room to hide, wondering what happened to his owner and how that weird creature got here in the first place!

Ebony had found a book full of special transformation spells in her latest blind buy at the antique shop, and she couldn't wait to try them out! Little did she know that said spells were special because they turned you into many different creatures from other worlds, one of them being a zebra of all things! She yelled in surprise, jumping three feet in the air, not having expected that at all! Poor little Sunshine got caught off guard, too, jumping and zipping back into the other room to hide, wondering what happened to his owner and how that weird creature got here in the first place!
38 2023 NATG day 8 - Star Swirl the Bearded Starting Over - C_||_R

No world-saving event is complete without an after party at Berry Punch's pub. Star Swirl may have his companions from aeons past with him, but it was still a world different from the one he knew, even if there were things familiar about it, and Starlight knows a thing or two about starting over (not that Twilight was negligent in filling Star Swirl's ears with her excited advice and assurances! ;) ).

No world-saving event is complete without an after party at Berry Punch's pub. Star Swirl may have his companions from aeons past with him, but it was still a world different from the one he knew, even if there were things familiar about it, and Starlight knows a thing or two about starting over (not that Twilight was negligent in filling Star Swirl's ears with her excited advice and assurances! ;) ).
42 NATG XIII Day 8: Dragon Cookie and Griffon Syntax - AceBlazewing

Cookie and Syntax were seaponies last year. Now they get to be creatures often associated with treasure, something they know quite well in their days as explorers and treasure hunters. As we've seen a couple fat dragons in the Dragonlands before, hopefully Cookie can get herself off the ground with her new wings. =P

Cookie and Syntax were seaponies last year. Now they get to be creatures often associated with treasure, something they know quite well in their days as explorers and treasure hunters. As we've seen a couple fat dragons in the Dragonlands before, hopefully Cookie can get herself off the ground with her new wings. =P
46 Awoken - CattyTheArtCat

"Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow. Now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control. I'm sick of hurting, sick of thinking it's all I do, I break those around me, those spared are very few. But the bright sun is burning, and my sky shines ever blue... Friendships surround me, I'm becoming a part of you"

"Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow. Now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control. I'm sick of hurting, sick of thinking it's all I do, I break those around me, those spared are very few. But the bright sun is burning, and my sky shines ever blue... Friendships surround me, I'm becoming a part of you"
50 "Everything Is Finally The Way It Was Meant To Be." - Lili Dash!

In the Crystal Empire, a young unicorn warlock begins a new life as the Empire's dark ruler, having just taken out the princess. This was heavily inspired by the end of the Fiendship Is Magic #1 comic, in which Sombra turns Amore to crystal (which is where I got his outfit from). I'm not proud of the colors -- maybe I'll redraw this sometime in the future when I don't have a time limit.

In the Crystal Empire, a young unicorn warlock begins a new life as the Empire's dark ruler, having just taken out the princess. This was heavily inspired by the end of the Fiendship Is Magic #1 comic, in which Sombra turns Amore to crystal (which is where I got his outfit from). I'm not proud of the colors -- maybe I'll redraw this sometime in the future when I don't have a time limit.
74 Bildit Twilight (Beastieball!) - Ruby Reverie
Twitter: Calpain