Love, at first sight, might make your heart flutter, but make sure you don't end up getting it broken in the process. Hearts are a little bit harder to put together than any ordinary object.
With day said and done we managed to gather 77 ponies to bring our running total up to 584 ponies. Not bad at all for a week's work, yeah?
Now that week has passed and we have sent our ponies through a number of poses, emotions and simply had some time with the basic pony form, it is time to shake things up a little before we get to our first makeup day in a few days. Back when this prompt was made there were far fewer species in FiM, but by the end of the show the number had exploded, much to the fandom's delight as we started to see not just pony OCs but OCs of other species as well. That's why for today I want you all to Draw a pony as a different species / Draw a pony starting over.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 4096x4096! If your image is larger than that, the submitter will resize it to that max resolution.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
13 Struck by the Petals - EveryDayDashie

Following the trail of glitter sitting on the floor, I slowly approached the sky garden and witnessed the songbird pony, whom I'd been glancing at and secretly admiring. My eyes were glistening, thinking all this was just a dream, but even before I realized it, the pretty mare with a long, silky purple mane turned around and glimpsed at me with a heavenly smile. "Oh hello, friend! That ball sure was a blast. Did you come to me for something?" Pipp asked. "Uh... yes actually. I... just wanted to say... that you look... so pretty... today..." I constructed my words nervously. "Awww, thank you! Hey, do you love music too? We should perhaps collab one day!" I was struck by even more intimidation and nervousness. "Oh, music? I like it because it helps me relax and explore the endless unknowns in this world. But actually, there's something more than music that I adore and care about. I... I think I might... have a..." We're both speechless, and the sky garden went silent for a while...

Following the trail of glitter sitting on the floor, I slowly approached the sky garden and witnessed the songbird pony, whom I'd been glancing at and secretly admiring. My eyes were glistening, thinking all this was just a dream, but even before I realized it, the pretty mare with a long, silky purple mane turned around and glimpsed at me with a heavenly smile. "Oh hello, friend! That ball sure was a blast. Did you come to me for something?" Pipp asked. "Uh... yes actually. I... just wanted to say... that you look... so pretty... today..." I constructed my words nervously. "Awww, thank you! Hey, do you love music too? We should perhaps collab one day!" I was struck by even more intimidation and nervousness. "Oh, music? I like it because it helps me relax and explore the endless unknowns in this world. But actually, there's something more than music that I adore and care about. I... I think I might... have a..." We're both speechless, and the sky garden went silent for a while...
25 NATG XIII Day 7: Blazewing Meets Pecan Sandy - AceBlazewing

One of the most stressful things about creating OCs is not knowing what to do with them, or else planning something for them but not knowing how to follow through with it, either out of procrastination or creative block. As such, here's a rough interpretation of what I planned for when Blazewing meets his future marefriend, Pecan Sandy.

One of the most stressful things about creating OCs is not knowing what to do with them, or else planning something for them but not knowing how to follow through with it, either out of procrastination or creative block. As such, here's a rough interpretation of what I planned for when Blazewing meets his future marefriend, Pecan Sandy.
48 "Aerial Rescue” - Emerald Pencil
61 Wind Surfer and Pusheen - Vapor Trail
67 Like a Catchy Song(reprise) - Ebony Crystal

Big Mac and Sugar Belle had been dating for several months now and Big Mac wanted to show her just how much he loved her. He ended up finding his mother's old guitar and found out he was a natural at it, and he knew just how to impress her. He remembered the song his Ma used to sing to his Pa every chance she got, and with enough practice, he learned how to play it himself. After a dinner date, they spent some time under the special apple/pear tree and surprised her with it. She was so impressed that they spent the rest of the evening singing songs they knew together as he played, making this one of the most memorable dates they'd ever had.

Big Mac and Sugar Belle had been dating for several months now and Big Mac wanted to show her just how much he loved her. He ended up finding his mother's old guitar and found out he was a natural at it, and he knew just how to impress her. He remembered the song his Ma used to sing to his Pa every chance she got, and with enough practice, he learned how to play it himself. After a dinner date, they spent some time under the special apple/pear tree and surprised her with it. She was so impressed that they spent the rest of the evening singing songs they knew together as he played, making this one of the most memorable dates they'd ever had.
72 Classic Winged Pony Goof - PinkR
Twitter: Calpain