So many amazing pieces of content have been ripped from Youtube. Half deleted, half copyright striked. It's pretty sad to see. Luckily people have been archiving stuff so it's not all lost, but I rant in this one anyway.
Go get your happenings of May 9th below!
At The Gala got the super ponybeat treatment today. These remixes were some of the most popular out there.
These guys leaked before they were released! Some of the better Hasbro first-party toys over the years.
These bags always had mixed reviews, at least in my personal circles. They looked a little weird, but were they cool in the end?
Dr. Wolf escaped Copyright hell, 4DE announced a Doctor Whoof plushie, and I always loved this Maud right here. The fandom definitely always beats the licensed merch even if 4DE was the closest to top tier we ever got.
WeLoveFine teased these new vinyl mini figures.
I also remember this neat Pinkie Pie video, but it has been taken down unfortunately. Remember to save stuff you love on the internet! It's only a matter of time before something stupid happens to it. These history posts are kinda sad to make with all of the dead links I've run into.
I have 50gb of pony art personally, my primary cartoon horse collection.
Another ded video I remember being really fun. Also have a Soarin spotlight.
Seriously, it has to be 60% or something that have been taken down by ridiculous copyright strikes or just deleted/privated in general.
Today we got these new Cutie Mark Crusaders toys revealed, and Glimmy continued to be metal.