Seeing big stars like Lady Gaga embrace the pony back in 2011 just made everyone all the more comfortable with obsessing over these cartoon horses. It was good times.
We also saw the peak in terms of viewership with the release of stats for Twilight's Kingdom!
Go get all the history for May 16 below.
The Belly Bros rose and fell today. RIP Belly Bros.
Google Hangouts added a /ponies command today. They are long gone, but it was a pretty big deal to see a huge company like that pander to cartoon horses.
The Hub also asked us who needed a side pony series today... The possibilities. I'm so sad it never happened. Luna needed it.
The Daring Do box set was revealed today. Did you end up buying this one? I always thought it was really cool.
And Twilight's Kingdom ended up being the most watched episode of the show over the years. From then on, cord cutting as people quit cable for online services and general poni burnout contributed to it never hitting those numbers again.
Lightning and Maud were revealed, and we got some cute Shy + Discord~
A parody becomes reality!
These slightly strange Twilight Sparkle animatronics were revealed today.
Early episodes continue shaking up the fandom! We got a dump of them today, with 3 episodes all appearing at once over in Finland.