China has always been a funny place when it comes to knockoff pony merchandise, including these were inflatables. We also saw exclusive gothic Celestia out of Toys R' Us, and lots of other things!
Get your daily history for April 12th below.
A Derpy brushable listing on Taobao fooled a bunch of people. Turned out she was just fan made! Of course we got the official Comic Con one eventually.
The Hot Minute series was popular back in the day. We also had rumblings about the agressive microtransactions toward kids in mobile games way back in 2013. Too bad... nothing ever happened. Are they worse these days? I think they are.
Lifesize Dashie was amazing back in 2014! Naz was always one of my favorites.
We also had a gothic Celestia revealed back when Toys R' Us was doing variant exclusives. They released a bunch of neat ones over the years. It's too bad they are gone now.
We interviewed Yakovlev for all the art fans out there!
The Good Night Flurry Heart book released today, and we got one of those strange pony meets famous character videos to go along with it, with Elsa today.
The first Legends of Magic comic released today!
These weird inflatable ponies were exploding out of China back then. I wonder how well they sold? It's one of the few things I've never seen at conventions.