• Poll Results: What is Your Favorite Fanfic Genre? - And Polls are Brokenish!

    That's a pretty average poll right there. You are very average readers, fandom. Have an average image to represent that. 


    So, polls apparently require you to click through to vote on them now. This section has always been super cursed. We started off with simple blogger polls, but those were removed by Blogger. After we ventured into Wordpress, but they stopped serving those without some crazy cost.  This is around the time most people couldn't even see them anymore. Now we have Strawpoll, and votes are cut in half since people don't want to vote elsewhere. Hopefully we can find a solution some time, but for now this is about all we got.

    New Poll: Is Derpy the fandom mascot?

    Go vote on the side bar, and get these results below.