Soapbox time! We've got some interesting opinions this week, so hopefully you all can find something fun to discuss with these. As always, we are open for submissions on these. If you'd like to submit your own soapbox, hit up this post for infos.
As always, these are the opinions of fandom members, not us here at EQD.
Have some headlines:
- Continue MLP FIM, Equestria Girls, and Gen 5 in Blu-Ray and DVD
- Absent Parents Needs to Stop
- Hasbro has been brutal to its fans for the first time in Pony history.
Continue MLP FIM, Equestria Girls, and Gen 5 in Blu-Ray and DVD
by Double C
In a poll months ago, there were lots of you guys who watch our ponies in their adventures on stream. While I do like streaming but I preferred both Blu-Ray and DVD for good reasons. I have all 4 of Equestria Girls movies on Blu-Ray and My Little Pony the Movie on DVD. I would like to collect the entire FIM seasons 1-9 but for some reason Hasbro chose to only release season 8 and 9 overseas and not in North America. Also there is apparently no word if MLP A New Generation is coming to Blu-Ray or DVD.
There are many advantages of Blu-Ray and DVD over stream that I would like to explain. Streaming is connected to the internet and there are at times it can freeze at any moment or stop working. Blu-Ray and DVD can have their moments but can be cleaned and have more features like behind the scenes and short specials. While they can take up some space on the shelf but at least you know where it is in a specific place easily. Finally, you don’t have to constantly put in the password in order to watch them.
If any of you remembered in past posting of a potential complete MLP FIM series plus the movie on Blu-Ray box. That will be worth buying especially if it has more behind the senses looks and the cast favorite things about doing the voices. Also the remaining Equestria Girls episodes should finally get their North American release and see Dr. Wolf on the back which he mentions it in one of his YouTube channel.
The one I want is a holiday special edition that has Best Gift Ever along with the 3 other holiday episodes. This would make a good addition to my families Christmas video collection.
This may seem old fashion but to me old fashion things can share it with the new things like Streaming. I hope Hasbro will finally get both Gen 4 and Gen 5 along with Equestria Girls out on Blu-Ray and DVD and not depend on Netflix forever.
Absent Parents Needs to Stop
By Double C
If there was anything I didn’t like what the writers were doing is delaying the appearance of parents of any characters. Parents can make a story good with helping develop both the main and supportive characters when they interact with them along with the parents developing themselves. Both Gen 4 and Gen 5 seem to have the same problem though Friendship is Magic did bring them out as the show progress. But the fandoms own theories about absent parents can get a bit dark even for my taste especially for a kid show that should balance.
One character that got me and perhaps all others is Scootaloo whose parents never appeared nor mention until season 9. This caused many to speculate she is either an orphan or lives in an abusive/neglectful house. While Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood show they care about her but their job seem to made them absentminded and hardly show up when need to be especially when they didn’t come to her Cute-ceaƱera. Surprisingly the episode could have made Rainbow scold them while lecturing them about what being a parent and saying her parents are better than them.
Other characters like Silver Spoon, Pipsqueak, Rumble, Twist, Snips, and Sails could have also been shown with their parents. It would have been fun to see how Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich interacted with Silver’s parents since they are both rich. An open house at the Ponyville Schoolhouse would have been an interesting episode with seeing all the parents and how they interacted with their kids and also showing how absent Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood they are.
With Gen 5 it also has the problem of absent parents with mainly the Mane 5. We’ve meet Sunny’s father Argyle and Zipp and Pipp’s mother Queen Nova but no Hitch or Izzy. While Izzy has mention in the comics she has a mom but nothing of her father. For Hitch, it would be interesting of what they would think of having a dragon as their adopted grandson. But its Sunny is what many fans would like to know about since many including DRWolf001 think that her mom is a unicorn. Though unknown if the staff would do that but it would be an interesting reaction from each character to find out Sunny is the result of a union between an earth pony and a unicorn.
So having parents appear at least in a few episodes and perhaps specials would be good in both Friendship is Magic and Make Your Mark. This way we won’t get recycled and repeated ideas that the writers seem to do. It would also show how important parents are for kids throughout their lives even if some kids grew up with a single parent.
Hasbro has been brutal to its fans for the first time in Pony history.
By: FirePuppy
Within the first four months of an entire calendar year, it's assumed that for the first time in Pony fandom history, Hasbro has apparently become the most brutal company ever to its crowd of growing fans. They've ordered all streaming services to remove everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, except Seasons 1-4 of the show on Netflix and Season 9 on Hulu, just to make room for Generation 5 content, released absolutely nothing but bi-weekly Tell Your Tale episodes so far this year, and worse yet, they've extended their contract with Discovery Family to 2025, despite ongoing decreases in viewers. It's like as if they're prohibiting the show from appearing on any streaming service (free or premium), and forcing us to subscribe to the channel if we want access to G4 media, even though no one watches cable anymore anyways, seeing as though almost all other shows owned by Hasbro, like Littlest Pet Shop, Pound Puppies, Transformers, and especially Generations 1 and 3 of My Little Pony, are already on free streaming services. This brutality should not ever be tolerated because not only is it a complete disrespect to the Pony fandom, it's also a cause of even greater financial troubles to Hasbro itself.