At long, long last! We get the conclusion to the "Old Draconequus Discord" arc.
Long to finish but is it ultimately satisfying? Check out the review and some spoilers after the break.
What a journey it's been. Ten months of comics to conclude a five-party story. I still don't know why IDW chose this route. I'm just glad to finally talk about the conclusion.
The artwork by Amy Mebberson remains consistent and expressive. While Andy Price remains my favorite, Mebberson has really shown her strength depicting Sunny and her friends in a variety of moods and situations. Within this single issue we move from despair to tenderness, hope, reconcilliation, and joy. All of which feel distinct while staying true to the G5 style. Other aspects of the art are tied very heavily to the story, so we'll tackle those as we progress.
We open on our new protagonists still dangling over a pit while Discord goes to destroy the Pegasus unity crystal. Given that the main characters are trapped in a small space with nothing else to do, it doesn't come as a surprise that this is where they have a chance to finally talk. No defensiveness, no dismissive statements. They finally reconcile the idea that magic is meant to be inclusive no matter how many forms it takes.
This is known as the "Locked in a Room" trope. While some will roll their eyes at such a setting, I think it became a trope for a reason. To borrow a perspective from Babylon 5, an incarserated character said that the outside world is full of distractions. Within his cell, he had no excuses; no outs. He had to confront himself and his problems and finally address what had long been avoided. While I don't advocate imprisonment as a means to enlightenment, it does speak to the idea of finding a way to put distractions on the outside and enjoy some privacy for self-reflection.
With their differences settled, the ponies can now start an escape plan. While Earthy Pony magic's plant growth may be on the fritz, Hitch's "passive magic" of animal communication seems to be in full swing. In fact, the bunny brigade seems to be a means towards both escape and a quick path towards Discord. Not quite on par with Lord of the Ring's eagles, but they're far more adorable.

The confrontation with Discord really shows how much he's changed. All he had to do was throw the crystal and be done, but he's talking to himself. Trying to affirm his own righteousness. I wonder if he's actually hoping the ponies will escape and try to confront him. If they challenge him and he still succeeds, he can tell himself that he must have been righteous. While not a villain like his old days, Discord is still self-sabotaging. And how he deals with his challengers is also interesting.
He disposes Sunny in a classic Discord fashion: make her part of the show. Yet his magic truly is waning as he begins to mutilate his own body to combat the others. The old Discord would set up a "play area" and make himself part of the setting. He would change his whole self, no just stretch out older parts. The panel where he lengthens his limbs truly shows how far he's fallen and his own desperation.
In true MLP style, the villain is not defeated just by brute force. It's an emtional appeal that wins the day. This means that long after her passing, Fluttershy remains the redemptive feminine figure. Is it any wonder why she's my fav?
We get a strange flashback to Sunny's papa. While I'm always glad to see Argyle, I don't remember Canterlot being a big deal even within this comic series. They only spent one issue within its ruins before going on a wider adventure to stop Discord. Such is the big question left looming after this story. Discord is once again redeemed and interacting with ponies. He can tell them everything about Opaline and Equestria's fate. Plus, Canterlot is now a viable setting if ponies want to reclaim the ruins.
We're left with a lot of potential for future stories, but once again there's the question of continuity between the show and the comics. I think it best to default to the idea that the comics and the show are separate continuities. Don't strain yourself trying to reconcile between them.
Today's comic and this review feel a bit short due to the action. Next week, let's take a look at the five key issues and see how it all feels without interruption.
I'm Silver Quill. Thanks for reading!
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