Those are some good looking OC's right there. Nedemai and Confetti_Cakez draw adorable ponies.
Sorry about the delay on this one! I've been working through the huge amount of ponies we got and slowly working through the various file types, image attachments, fonts, and super expansive bios everyone sent in to make everything is squeaky clean. I never expected to get so many ponies! I also never expected people to send 100mb PNGs. I didn't even know 100mb PNGs were a thing.
Anyway, we already announced the winners and handed out their portraits. For everyone else that submit, this is the full gallery of all 70 or so ponies and their bios! I had to cut the likes/dislikes and other minor details since they were primarily for the artists after picking winners and were inconsistent everywhere else, so expect image, name, and bio for each horse! Hopefully you all had fun drawing your ponies. I'm sure we will have other events coming up for everyone soon.
Now go get the ponies below!
Very shy mare - especially when meeting new ponies but totally excited when encountering a rare magical creature.
On the shorter side - easily mistook for a filly.
Special talent: transfiguration - transforming into different magical creatures
Emphatic - likes to literally "step into the others shoes" to better understand different critters and they life.
Stubbornly indecisive - "can't pick you choose!"
Daydreamer and a hopeless romantic.
Bookworm since filly hood. Old dusty story books were her best friends for a long time.
Often wanders into the Everfree forest to hide and "recharge" her magic battery when Ponyville gets a bit too noisy for her.
Lightning is a very kind and curious young buck, and some say his level of patience is rivalled only by Fluttershy. With a mysterious past, no-pony knows for sure where exactly he came from, only that he showed up in Ponyville one day and brought his brother a few weeks later. Ever since he arrived in Ponyville in his teenage years, he’s always been curious, always asking questions and searching for clues that could help him find the answers, and when he found out he could do that for a living online and that some already did, it only snowballed from there. When he’s not making theories, he’s exercising his love for storytelling, whether that’s writing, reading, or learning 2D art and animation. He also loves nature, and often volunteers to go to the evergreen forest for those who don’t want to risk it or help around in Fluttershy’s Sweet Feather Sanctuary.
He doesn’t talk much about his past, and no pony has yet succeeded at making him angry, but they saw that, besides his skinnier-than-average body, he’s a lot stronger than he looks, and used to help buck trees for Applejack before he got into the theory business.
His curiosity took him many places, but as the old saying goes: curiosity killed the cat. One day, he and his brother went on a vacation by zeppelin, and were never heard from again. No-pony knows where the zeppelin was headed, but some have theorised that it wasn’t a simple vacation. Nonetheless, the siblings were deemed missing, and no one’s seen or heard of them since then. If only someone else had the curiosity to look.
From a young age, Starset was interested in magic. He had a unicorn friend in primary school who he pestered with questions about his ability. However, once this friend moved away, he never really connected with anypony else on the same level for a long time. During middle school he didn't have a close bond with anyone, preferring to focus on his obsession with magic. What also kept him going all those years was his intense love of music. He could - and often would - play the piano for hours on end.
Eventually, he moved to Canterlot to study magic theory. Here he met other ponies with a passion for magic with whom he formed a strong bond. To his delight it was much easier to find other musicians in the capital than in his small village. While he never did anything professional, he became quite proficient at his beloved piano. The study was difficult without the ability to perform magic, but with a little luck, hard work and a lot of help from his friends he managed to finish school, even writing a thesis.
This thesis spread among the magic community like wildfire, even catching the attention of Twilight Sparkle. She reached out to Starset, offering to help him find a way to wield the powerful force he was so enamored by. He was overjoyed to work with her, having admired her work for years. After years with her assistance, Starset managed to create an amulet that would allow him to cast magic without a horn.
This ability, however, doesn't work quite the same way as horns do. Starset found that he could only get it to work if he felt intensely passionate: whether it was playing notes on his piano or conjuring an elaborate spell.
Mal is the proprietor of an inn/tavern in the cold north of Equestria
where he serves his famous (at least among the locals) hot cocoa with
marshmallows. On days where business is slow he loves curling up next to
the fireplace with some cozy socks and a warm mug.
Shredd Tone is a bat pony guitar shredder who originally grew up living in the wilderness. Having a big heart in the ‘Open source’, believing that the more free things are the more freer we will be, his knowledge of the wild, resourcefulness makes him quite adaptable and very useful in various situations sharing his love of sharing free information with all kinds of creatures. Even after moving in with his Ponyville friends and their way of living at a young age, he still finds ways to survive nearly everything from financial hardships, lack of food and being able to build some make shift products alternatives (whether it be tools, or home made health products (I.e shampoos, body wash), through creative thinking and experimentation.
Despite adapting quite well into civilisation, he can sometimes be awkward and intimidating to the modern pony, especially with his LOUD music, protective nature as well as his ‘Wild Stallion’ upbringing, however never intends any harm; even with his lack of knowledge of ‘Law & Order’ and ‘social rankings’ however still willing to struggle through learning it all; he’s just not good in this area. Even as one may say, a jack of all trades, he isn’t really that well motivated which tends to get in the way of his progress in his music and has a hard time keeping up with his plans, projects and objectives while his sleeping schedule is all over the place. Spending most of his bat times during the night time.
Although attracted and able to confront ‘dark themes’ such as bad times in history, horror stories, black apparell and observing social issues, he does in fact try to look at all of the positives in life and faces challenges at times; he’s just not easy to scare. Despite this, some ponies may tend to judge him as such.
He may not be the most social of ponies all of the time, he does like to spend quality time with his friends of all kinds. He especially has a fondness and the appeal of mares, in which he shows great respect and admiration for, but also not one to rush things or build high expectations in those relationships; he just appreciated spending quality time with them. Though, he has trouble deciding who to settle with exactly.
Shredd Tone being straight also respects those of different gender types, but he is known to blush furiously when other stallions tries to flirt with him and will deny being gay at all costs (some may think that he is gay but refuses to accept it (although those are just they say)).
Shredd Tone is a natural on the guitar, helping creatures of all kinds be motivated while reliving any of their negative issues and turning them into positive uses for all kinds of creatures to enjoy….as long as they are able to adsorb his aggressive riffs, solos and screaming high pitched guttering vocals (bat ponies know how to Squeee). He is especially popular with the dragons for some reason.
He could potentially be an exceptional guitarist or musician, if he ever is able to be more strongly focused on developing his talents, but he can easily be distracted and way too focused trying to multi-task everything at once.
All in all, he really is a good bright little pony with a big heart and a wild imagination.
and touched it, he became a genie. His height is similar to FlimFlam Bros. The Wonderbolt-
mates are kind to him. Most of his students likes Jet because he is good at explaining the
problem solving.
Her journey eventually led her to a Canterlot that was under the control of the Storm King after he successfully stopped the Mane Six and their new friends. When she’s captured, she demonstrates her nirik side to him as a sign of strength and they forge a partnership. In exchange for getting revenge on her former home, the king also got himself some new slaves and potential soldiers to add to his army. She later designates herself as a self-proclaimed queen in Canterlot and assists in the Storm King’s plans while keeping her guard up and finding further ways to prove her usefulness so she doesn’t end up like his former commander, Tempest Shadow.
Wintertide is a rather cold-hearted mare, who looks out for herself more than anyone else. She deals in whatever works within her best interest. While not a true queen to the Storm King, she carries herself as if she wears the crown on her head and controls the ponies and even Storm Creatures with an iron hoof. Even if she swears loyalty to him, however, she wouldn’t hesitate to betray him or anycreature else if there was a better offer for her. The only exceptions to this rule are when she eventually bears the king two children, a prince and a princess, and when her path eventually leads her to encounter the legendary Grogar after the Storm King’s inevitable defeat by the hooves of Captain Shining Armor and his army.
As living conditions in the Solar Empire worsened, she and her brother Foresight Amor became roommates, although they rarely see each other because of Foresight's duties as a guard in Canterlot Castle. When they do manage to see each other, she frequently has something to critique about his lackadaisical demeanor when he should be taking his position in the Guard more seriously. This in turn is reciprocated through his own teasing and occasional surprises he leaves behind for her.
When she is not serving in the temples, she can either be caught tidying the shared apartment, practicing her music, or exercising through some cloud obstacle courses. Occasionally she may entertain some of the other priestesses when they are all not on duty, although the Solar Empire makes it difficult to do.
Packrat knows just about every dark and scary alleyway from the Bowery to Saint Marks. That being said, she knows just about every bank along the way. Long story short, she's trouble. Maybe it was school, maybe it was personal. All we know is, something has her on edge. Quite literally. She's got enough sharp objects to carve ten turkeys in a second!
When she's on her best behavior, she hangs out at a junkyard on the outskirts of town. Evidence suggests that she lives there.
She has a terrible problem when it comes to hoarding objects of little to no use. She likes collecting junk, and turning piles of scrap into wonderful works of art. Trash Sculpting. Not exactly sanitary, or safe. But it's the only thing that keeps her at bay.
She has a little group she likes to call her gang. But other than that, she doesn't play well with others. She's got a short fuse. So a little word to the wise, don't try and crack jokes by calling her a racoon. No matter how tempting it may be.
Packrat is slick, and has style. She's silent, and has an attitude worse than an agitated substitute teacher. So if you're ever in town, watch your back.
His cutie mark is a set of arrows pointing up, down, left and right to show my love for rhythm-based video games. The arrows are actually the exact arrows from my custom osu! mania texture pack.
He has pale brown spots running along his back, similar in colour to what you’d find on a giraffe as giraffes are my favourite animal.
He is also an avid rock climber and, while in the drawing he does not have them, he has some grippy horseshoes to help scale the rocks!
While a little mischievous, Jamming is outgoing and determined and will face any challenge he is put up to. Of course, he loves to face challenges with his friend, Coin, my other OC who is a bat pony! Together they make an excellent duo.
Jamming also has history with snakes. When he was just a little colt, he was snuck up on by a snake. Luckily Coin was there to save the day, although Jamming still backs away whenever he sees one.
Sketchpad is a special unicorn in the world of Perpetia who has Art magic instead of Unicorn magic. he can create things to reality with his magic he loves video games reading comic books and coming up with a comic book series. but due to him being different and doesn't have unicorn magic he got bullied alot. he is very sensitive and would get sad shy or scared and while other unicorns believe all other creatures are bad or worse evil Sketchpad doesn't believe that they are and wants to meet and friend other creatures. a day before Sketchpad 13th birthday him and his mom go to a mask festival with a custom Fox mask with unicorn horn and during a mask festival a human invasion happen and they landed on Sketchpad home land. so all other creatures that were at festival stay behind Sketchpad mom goes to where all the unicorn were at and since he doesn't know anyone he follows his mom. but they were both capture but unexpectedly Sketchpad escapes from the humans who is still wearing his custom mask as he trots back to mask festival location. just when he was about to get capture since some robot ponies were following him he use his art magic and destroy the robot unicorn. all the teens and kids who are all different creatures and they think that him and other creatures would be perfect for a freedom fighters group against the humans. ( I will come up with more ideas and make it more better )
He was SO into it that he travelled to ponyville at instant.
His father, a strong craftsman Earthpony, helped him building Shifties dream cart and preparing it for the race. The cart looked quite different from the Speedy Cider Squeezy locomotive design. It was a deep and flat vehicle. Four equally sized wheels which where covered from its body. It got no roof to make it lighter and shift the centre of gravity lower so it could go faster through corners. It got four lamp on the front. Two on each side to see better even when its dark. It looked like a sports cart but still had some sort of nostalgic to it. It was exactly what Shiftie dreamed about.
As the race started it was clear, his planes paid off. He was not the fastest one on the race but did pretty well on the second place for his first time taking part. He was so concentrated and focused while riding his cart that he hadn’t noticed a major happening in his cart … his cutie mark. A Wheel spinning and producing smoke / A wheel doing a burnout.
Since then he knew what to do with his life. Engineering and building things which go fast for everypony!
Today , many years later, shift managed to get his engineering degree in canterlot done. He still has a lot of fun tinkering and building stuff. His life is better than he had ever dreamed of as a filly what did not know if he can do anything at all.
Someday there was a theft in her school and Vanessa found the culprit. Everyone was so proud of her
and she was so happy she finally got her cutiemark: a magnifier. From this day on she was known as
Vanessa Magnifier. She founded her own investigation firm in Canterlot and became known in Canterlot
and beyond. She helped a secret agency from Princess Celestia herself, but lost contact to every agent
after the downfall of the agency. A certain pony from Ponyville named Bon Bon reminds her of one agent.
She lives in a house with her best friend Labhraín, who helps Vanessa sometimes in her investigations, if
it's not too dangerous of course. She learned some pretty tough and top secret spells that aid her in her
investigations. She loves to find out secrets, but can keep them for herself. She gets angry pretty fast
when someone hurts her loved ones. She loves to be stylish and keeps cool, but she can be be a bit
derp too.
When the Kirin opened up to the rest of Equestria, Malachite Root, like others, was drawn to the bigger world and its vast cultures. However, no matter where, one thing remained the same; not everyone who wants can enjoy the convenience of magic. This realization let him to his calling, to leave a mark on Equestria by pursuing the ability to let everyone use magic.
Luckily the products of alchemy seemed to be a common and accessible source of magic-like abilities for everyone. So far, the only things standing in the way of success are time and clumsiness, nothing a good bit of persistence can’t solve. That, and a lot of tea.
Her mother died on an expedition when she was a filly, so her father raised her all by himself. She only had three emeralds given to her by her mother from one of her journeys and she could only find consort in the biology and science books that her mother left back at home, always accompanied by her father reading alongside her, as he was researching for his paintings and art.
In her late filly years, she would meet another yellow unicorn by the name of Flammy Valeria, who was a more extrovert and assertive filly. Despite that, they would develop a bond of sisterhood, to the point that because her parents couldn’t provide a proper life for her, Flammy would eventually be adopted by Brush-stroke and become Emerald’s step sister.
Eventually, she would learn about precious stones and jewels in geology in class, and thanks to her father’s old friend, she would take lessons from a goldsmith in basic jewelry crafting. In addition, her friends would also teach her about fashion, but she would focus mainly on jewelry rather than clothing. Thanks to her friendships being extroverted as well as her step sister, she developed a benevolent nature and was timid, despite having a social circle of Friends. However, she always had a hard time with bullies and conflict, for she was not in favor of getting in trouble. Thanks to that, and also her height, she was seen as a gentle girl by her peers.
During her mid teenage years, there was a Jewelry fashion competition hosted in Canterlot, and any goldsmith and crafter could join the contest, by providing a unique design of their own. Emerald worked hard, researching and studying extra focused on her project. She didn’t make a bracelet or a horn ring… She crafted a collar instead, using mostly gold and platinum, but she needed some jewels to make it appealing, so she used her mother’s emeralds that she gave her.
Before the competition started, Emerald met a family of ponies among the crowd looking for help as she was going to place her collar on display. They were homeless and couldn’t afford even a temporary shelter or food. Despite her father telling her to wait after the contest, she didn’t hesitate to help the family in need.
She gave them the collar and told them to sell it, for it would be enough to help them find a good home and buy food. The scene was witnessed by the judges, who didn’t bat an eye on her deed, but it also caught the attention of Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence, who were also juries in the contest… Celestia managed to see the act as she was getting off of the chariot, and asked one of her guards to investigate.
When the winners were announced, the Princesses declared that Emerald Heart won the first place not by her work, but for her selfless deed to aid some ponies in need. They were taken to Celestia’s castle to get help and Emerald’s collar was returned to her alongside the first prize. In that very moment, her cutie mark appeared: A heart-shaped emerald with a blue ribbon, for her talent with jewels and her noble spirit. She was a role model and her family was very proud of her.
Her Cutie Mark color is purple heart (see U.S. military decoration), it represents empathy, her talent.
Owns and controls a rainbow scarf/bandana wich can store, absorb and cast purple lighting bolts (it's a magical artifact inherited and passed down from generation to generation). It can also glow in the dark.
She works at the weather factory in Cloudsdale, mainly when there are storms and thunderstorms, to help (thanks to her scarf) monitor and keep under control the thunderbolts: basically a lighting rod, she doesn't get hurt in any way when the contact happens. But maaaaaybe.... she could learn to use magic (meaning, more similar to unicorn magic) thanks to it(?)
Rusty Gear is a star pony; like earth ponies, they do not have any active magical powers. However, each star pony is born with a star-shaped birthmark somewhere on their bodies, and on occasion, they are known to awaken a mysterious connection with the cosmos. Rusty serves as a state engineer in the technologically-advanced star pony kingdom of Terra Firma, in a land far away from the peaceful Equestria we know called Crater Wishes. For 20 years, the unicorn tyrant Diamond Reign has commanded her army to spread a terrible curse throughout Crater Wishes in order to drain all the magic from the land for herself in her quest to become an alicorn. To stop her invasion, Rusty Gear and a group of Terra Firma’s best scientists created the Alicorn Gear, a magical suit of armor powered by an ancient artifact. Together with her friends Steep Dive, a daring pegasus filly, and Crystal Reign, the exiled unicorn princess, Rusty hopes she can end the war with Diamond Reign once and for all. But although the Alicorn Gear is a formidable weapon, Rusty wonders whether she, or any mortal pony, should truly be allowed to wield such power.
She likes kids and watching them grow up. She thinks that teaching art to them allows them to see the world from a bigger standpoint.
She lives in a white, pink, and purple house with hearts as decoration. Part of her house is a classroom for teaching art, and part of it is her personal art studio.
Her most well known quote is: "Anyone can be creative."
Lilac Melody hasn’t got many friends [has none], and is often interacting with nature. She hopes to find out who she is in this simple world! That’s not who she really is… Speaking of which, in her spare time she makes stuff to pass the time. Living by herself in her little hut! Wait… who was I talking to? Right, right, self introductions are always a hassle, that’s why I haven’t found a job yet! She wants to show every pony that she is good and wants to make others happy. …Ah ahah.
“A sight for sore eyes.”
Lilac has always had trouble finding those close around her liking her to the same degree. She often wonders if a pony can be TOO MUCH full of love, and has to bring it down a notch.
After a chance thought, realising it’s not about suppressing yourself to be liked by others, that she should be her own pony. With desires and wants, happiness becomes her go to.
Keeping it secret has been tough.
Not many know about her.
She has Kirin ancestry in her body.
She doesn’t necessarily get angry, or mad. But when she changes form, she is not who she made herself out to be!
A daydreamer. She has come a long way from Ponyville, having been brought by the melody of the wind. She now resides by her lonesome in a love nest with her pet chicken, Nova.
Quote from her:
I am Lilac Melody (other me is Violet Sky [she has a mind of her own]…) and I just want to-*hugs* say hi again!”
Unicorn Lilac isn’t just like every pony, she feels, as she’s met some special ponies in her life. Including her mother! Very grateful towards her filly years, she’s now seeking to gain a career of heartfelt times. She loves reading books but admits she hasn’t been reading much of lately. Now living in a poisonous swamp area, her spare times are spent making things to pass the time. Not so fun for her, she’s learning to explore her nooks so she may learn how to breathe in the poisonous mist around her.
Even though it’s dangerous, going off on your own in an unknown world. She must do it as the key that belies her heart of unlocked potential is out there. Controlling her inner self has never been so indignant in terms of having importance. She just wanted to show ponies she wants to be helpful, find meaning to everything, and just be a spotter of support.
She wants to show ponies what it means to be happy and helpful.
As a filly she was an excitable fluff ball that isn’t faulty to a T. Naive maybe, but it never stopped the good times from spinning. To her, it’s important to make a change. That her goal in Equestria is to help everything. She learned in her journey, her learning is teaching.
Now grown, she sets off to find what it really means to be a good pony, and how to make others happy.
Psycho used to be a foalsitter during a time when the princesses were still just that: Foals. He was reluctantly chosen among three by the Council in then-Canterlot, since he was the only one available, to teach them to behave as the princesses were disrespectful and destroying everything in the castle. The reluctance came from Psycho's reputation of teaching his protégés pranks after he found them to be well-behaved. The two sisters eventually came to like Psycho, but a prank of his gone wrong causes Psycho to be ejected from the Castle by the captain of the Council's Militia. Wandering in despair as the princesses were not treated well by said captain, he's approached by a strange figure, allowing him to become the Herald of the Illogic he is today. He goes on an unintended rampage through Canterlot on a gigantic, mechanical spider with the intention of saving the princesses.
The stallion is briefly distracted by Luna looking at him from behind a building allowing one of the pegasi to finally knock Psycho's tophat off and incapacitate him. He was eventually imprisoned deep, deep in Canterlot's dungeons where he remained until his powers of Illogic eventually started bleeding out into the world again. Twilight was brought in to try and reform him, but Psycho was not inherently evil. He was not chaos. He eventually tricked Twilight into freeing him, upon which he caused mischief in Equestria. However, unlike Discord, his pranks were never intended to harm anypony, and most come out of the ordeals with no more than a scratch or a small bruise.
Being a herald of the Illogic, he is actually the one closest to the core concept of the World of Illogic and thus usually is the one seen when recruiting new members for it. His powers make no sense, even for chaos users like Discord, which helps with the stallion's creed against chaos. Reality warping and having erratic emotional reactions to everything around him makes him a headache to deal with when he just wants to talk and have fun. Being a former foalsitter, it isn't uncommon to see him still occasionally attempting to teach them right from wrong, and he has yet to use his powers of pranking on them outside of a light effort to punish them for wrongdoing, such as for bullying others.
He still carries a deep love for Celestia and Luna which he affectionately calls 'Tia-Tia' and 'Woona', although his behavior around them makes the princesses believe he still somehow perceives them as the tiny foals they were over a thousand years ago as attested to his vitriolic reaction to Chrysalis harming them. It seems the Illogic couldn't 'fix' everything about the stallion.
Upon arriving, she did her best to find a way to use her talents to make money to keep herself afloat and despite all odds eventually found a candy shop that would take her on as a new candy maker. She often took criticism from the nobles around her for her accent, but refused to change herself. However, her shy nature kept her from outwardly pushing against them, so she instead took to using lollipops as an excuse to not have to speak and always keeps a store of them with her so she can almost always have one in her mouth. Despite the shallow criticisms, however, she managed to become successful enough to keep her portion of expenses for the home she shared with her friend more than paid for. Eventually, she was able to spread away from the shop that had hired her and start her own on the other side of the city, closer to home.
Golden Dawn was the scion of one of the oldest and most distinguished noble families in all of Equestria, with a documented lineage going back nearly a thousand years. But family legend traced it even further, back to the halcyon days of the vanished Crystal Empire. A forgotten child of Princess Amore had begun her line and the sacred blood of royalty still ran through their veins. Such a glorious origin surely betokened an equally glorious destiny. The family’s political and economic fortunes were in decline; she would be the one to restore them. Perhaps she would even sit upon Equestria’s throne someday. These would have been idle fancies in any other pony—any lesser pony—but Golden Dawn knew that, for her, it was prophecy. It was, after all, only what she deserved. What she was entitled to. What she had been born to.
But that’s the thing about being born to something. You don’t get to choose that birthright. Golden Dawn soon learned this the hard way. Since Princess Amore had been a unicorn, the family had always believed that it would take another gifted unicorn to bring back their long-lost dignity. But Golden Dawn was a pegasus. No pegasus would ever ascend to the ranks of royalty, they told her, no pegasus would ever be Amore’s heir. No pegasus, they said, was ever born to rule.
That’s when the voices started. They were ancient voices; they spoke of the Crystal Empire in days of old. They spoke of Princess Amore. And they spoke of her, Golden Dawn, of her noble birth and high estate. They comforted her and promised that her destiny would yet be fulfilled. As they hovered around her head, they whispered a prophecy. Someday, the Crystal Empire would return. And on that day, one born a pegasus would sit upon its throne and rule.
Golden Dawn found that the more she lent her ear to the voices, the stronger they became. She even began to hear the voice of Princess Amore herself. The Princess promised that she would someday return, that she would vanquish the false princesses, and that Golden Dawn would forever rule Equestria by her side.
And so Golden Dawn waited. As she waited, she used her strange gift to make a name for herself as a clairvoyant and medium, a reader of tarot cards and tea leaves. It was, admittedly, a step down for one of noble birth, but it had its advantages. The rich and powerful sought her out and they learned to live and die by her word. She developed a secret following in high places, one that would prove useful someday.
And then, it happened. The Crystal Empire returned. A princess sat once more upon its throne, an alicorn princess who had been born a pegasus. But it was not Golden Dawn. No, it was that periwinkle pretender, may Amore curse her name! Another pony, a lesser pony, would have given up in despair. But Golden Dawn was not a lesser pony. She knew that the time of fulfillment would soon be at hand. Perhaps it just needed a helping hoof to get started. That was something Golden Dawn was more than ready to provide. She had, after all, been born to rule.
As Golden Dawn watched the sun disappear beyond the western horizon, a smile crossed her face. “Here the sun sets forever on the day of princesses,” she said to herself. “Here dawns the golden age.”
first and wants to help those in need. AC cares deeply about those who have been less
fortunate in life, and like knows what it's to have nothing, so he does all they can to help
those in similar situations.
AC knows the value of mental health, as he has felt the struggle of having a poor
mental health in the past. He wants to make 3D animation as something to help others
who are struggling through making them laugh, or help to provide a better
understanding of mental health for those who may not fully understand it yet. AC works
hard to give others a positive attitude, and wants to help them through tough times, or
just help them be happier in general.
AC knows that when he has a hard time getting back up from his down periods
from heartbreak, he needs to take some time to focus on himself, so instead of dwelling
on the negativity, he try to put a focus on the good things in his life, and remind himself
of everything they have achieved, and that is possible. He take this time to try to relax
with some of his favorite things, whether it's a favorite show, playing a game, or talking
with friends, so by the end of the day, he can remind themselves that he are loved and
cared for.
AC has always been interested in 3D animation since he was a young filly, as he
always admired the ability to bring characters and worlds to life. He was one to spend
his time daydreaming, and creating new worlds and characters in his mind. When he
found out about how animation could bring his ideas to life, he was instantly hooked,
and knew that this was what he wanted to do. Creating an animation that makes the
viewer feel something is one of the greatest joys AC gets to feel from his work.
AC dislikes drama because it causes unnecessary tension and stress. He prefers
a happy, calm, and relaxed environment where he can focus on his work. He also has a
fear of spiders and mice, as he is easily startled by their quick movements, and their
unpredictable nature makes him feel unsafe.
AC is a long living pony, who has had the opportunity to continue creating amazing 3D
animation for years. His work has been loved by many, and he has inspired others to
continue to do what they love, even through difficult times. His kind and helpful nature is
what others remember the most about him, as he never hesitated to lend a hand, or to
listen to someone who may need a shoulder to cry on.
Plush began as the middle child of 5 and, being the middle child, often found herself hungry for attention. This in turn created her friendship circle of plushies and fuelled her addiction for collecting.. everything. Like a magpie, Plush attaches herself to all things shiny and unique, often hiding them under her bed for safe keeping and then acting oblivious to her neighbours. Plush can often be found sporting a variety of stickers, with them often attached to her cheeks or ears and is never without her smiley face for it reminds her to smile even in the darkest of times.
He trained all his life, reading every book in the biggest magic bookstores, trying to learn every spell, even getting a crystal horn implanted (it was a weird experience… and a bit painful). He never asked Princess Twilight for help, because he knew that she was going to advise him to appreciate his wings and accept his virtues, but he wasn’t going to give up so easily.
Luna has tried to help him a thousand times with his nightmares of not being a unicorn (a thousand times she failed). When he saw her for the first time in his dreams he immediately woke up and began to concentrate his “””””magic””””” on entering the dreams of others like her (spoiler: he fainted from extreme headache).
He thinks he’s not a unicorn because his mom is a Pegasus (he appreciates how hard-working she is and loves her a lot, he just gets sad sometimes) and therefore he is one too. That’s why he never spreads his wings (his friends and Luna think he forgot how to fly (and it’s true)).
Regardless, he’s a nice guy who has no problem lending a hoof to people in need (except to spread his wings). People say that he’s funny, friendly and a pleasure to talk to. (Luna considers him a “charismatic whereabouts of constant nightmares”)
With a lot of effort (without using his wings) he built a pawnshop, on the ledge of the mountain, where he works now days. He overpays for books of spells and magic.
Soon, as a flyer, he was given a special mission to collect artifacts and magic from all the kingdoms. With the help of a crystal accumulator on the chest.
Here the adventures in alter universe has started.
Shes very Energetic and outgoing. often striking conversations with ponies even when they don't want to talk. She hyper fixates on "internet culture" causing her to create art that makes others giggle and laugh (( even when sometimes, they are just laughing at her)) Despite it all, she stays optimistic and carries a smile everywhere she goes.
Penny is snarky, full of energy and a great listener for others. Although, her energy can be taken as "overbearing".
As a unicorn, she always felt like she had the duty to try and study magic. Although magic isn't EVERY unicorn's passion, it was pressured onto her by her parents. When Penny was a filly, she found it hard to do the things SHE enjoyed. Her parents often pressured her to pursue magic before her cutie mark had even arrived. Seeing how this was the only way to please her parents, Penny obeyed and spent most of her filly time studying. She would often go behind her parents backs and find time to draw but it felt pointless with no pony to share it with. To keep it short, she met a friend to share her drawing with. Somepony who made Penny feel worthwhile. With this motivation, she rebelled against her parents and worked towards moving away. Raised in Canterlot, now resides in Ponyville with her new friend.
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Drawn by Nedemai! |
Flashy Pop is quite an active pony. He often loves to go out in the park for a walk, especially during the weekends, and sometimes does stretches when the weather outside is bad. He also plans to join a 10k pony marathon organized in his neighborhood in the near future.
When he is not running, he also has many other hobbies, such as drawing. He loves drawing both in paper with crayons and marker pens and digitally in his art tablet he bought around a year ago. He loves drawing art as gifts to his online friends, sometimes as postcards during special occasions, such as their birthday or New Year’s Day
His other hobby is amateur astronomy, as long as he can remember, he has loved watching the stars in the night sky for his whole life. Every month or so he often goes to the countryside to look at the stars in the sky if the sky is clear. He occasionally watches astronomy/space videos on his tablet/computer when he feels inspired. Recently, he also developed an interest in astrophotography after he founded a blog online about taking photos of the night sky. He is now saving up to buy a good camera and telescope to help him view the night sky more clearly
He is an introvert that doesn't like very stimulating environments, such as parties and oher loud events. He also doesn't like hot weather and bitter foods
he is a younger stallion, but he is *very* much an old soul, always loves listening to old music and the such.
Sorbet is a pony that specializes in making “Sorbet” frozen dessert.
The name is already inspired by the frozen dessert Sorbet.
But also tried to make different variants of Sorbet.
Lives in Zephyr Heights but he also travels to other places to sell their specialty.
Naza is a fabulous unicorn with a shimmering blue coat and green eyes. His mane is a gradient of green and blue. He is also a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, and loves to express his femininity through his fashion and style by crossdressing. Despite his carefree and sometimes lazy attitude, he is a talented magician, using his unicorn powers to help ponies in need or to protect his friends or loved ones
Crimson Desire is my vampire pony! She has bat-wings but isn’t intended to be a batpony character. I also want to mention this was drawn by hand, I tend to draw in the MLP:FIM G4 artstyle but can provide proof!
Crimson and her family lived in Canterlot when she was very young, since the streets were safe due to high-class, she was able to walk to and from school on her own, and anywhere else in a safe enough distance. Except one night when she wanted to travel late at night, when she was cornered and bit by a vampire turning her into one.
To hide much attention, her parents got her a cloak to hide her wings and moved to the much more isolated countryside of Ponyville, right on the outskirts. She grew up pretty regularly, even getting a crush on a local flowerpony. Unfortunately, has to hide her identity and feels that their relationship would never work.
Mightnight Ink, or just Ink if you prefer, currently works as a newspaper comic artist for the Baltimare Sun paper, the local paper of her home city of Baltimare. Her only sibling is her brother, Norm "Engi" Gearwinder, who developed a set of cybernetic wings for her to use which allows her to meet with him in Cloudsdale whenever she chooses. The wings are powered by magic and require her full concentration meaning that she may not cast any spells while in flight, making her nowhere near as capable or as powerful as an alicorn. Her special talent is conjuration, which is a skill she honed while serving in the western equestrian legion during the war. Her conjuration skills in the war allowed her to summon powerful familiars to assist her in battle, but now she uses that talent to make comic writing more engaging and fun
also pretty good at fixing stuff, that’s why his cutie mark is a “light bulb out of the box”. He
wears his favourite brown bandana on his neck and brown wool shock that match to the
bandana. Also, he always brought his trusty side bag along his journey.
When Herman was a filly, he always helps his dad fixing broken stuff. One day, his Dad
can’t figure out what to do to fix a broken contraption. But Herman, did fix it flawlessly. And
that’s the day he got his cutie mark. When he was teenager, Herman decides to leave his
home to start a journey around the world. He wanted to experience every beautiful scenery
he traveled. Also, Herman has a goal, he wanted to help ponies everywhere he come to,
especially assistance in fixing stuff.
Izumi was born in Neighpon, and lived in a small village. From a young age he loved to draw. When he grew into a young stallion however, he was forced to join a clan's army, and fought in many battles. One day, the clan was defeated, and Izumi escaped all the way to his village. He found it ruined and desolate. A survivor told him that another clan had destroyed the village and killed all the villagers - including his wife and mother.
Heart-broken and filled with guilt, he escaped to Equestria, where he settled in Ponyville as an artist. For a long time he hid his past, displaying a cold attitude. He eventually befriended a pegasus mare named Sunflower, and slowly began to open up to her. She helped him face his past and overcome it, and they eventually fell in love. They soon married and had two foals.
Sadly, Sunflower died of an illness a few years later, leaving Izumi all by himself again. Despite his loss, he continued living on, happy that he'd made great memories with Sunflower. At some point, he came to know Jesus. He's still an artist, and travels between Canterlot and Ponyville for work. He also writes stories on occasion.
She in particular is part garden spider, though more pony than arachnid. She still has spider traits though. Instead of from her body, she can make spider webs with magic from her horn, and she does have venomous fangs, but it's harmless to ponies.
She's 16 and now lives in another village with her friend Citrina, a green artificial alicorn who used to be in the Unity.
Until she meet anarchists and went into adventures what brings her to undiscovered west, where is a town of anarchists.
Her special talent is plant care, she combines earth pony magic and unicorn magic for checking life and energies of earth and roots and can perfectly water, enrich and trim the plants.
As a young colt, his father introduced him to the world of music and how it can really impact somepony’s life. After seeing his father play a concert, he got inspired to take Equestria by storm.
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Drawn by Confetti_cakez! |
Until that fateful day, a large group of terrorists suddenly attacked his village and killed him with an assault rifle in a massacre.
At his death, instead of the grim reaper delivering him to hell, it was instead: A white, glowing alicorn that is nearly impossible to identify the face, gender, color, or whatsoever.
He was given a body of a young dragon-pony hybrid with a brown-furry coat, a spiky blue mane and tail similar to his human body, and a dragon wing with dark blue frames and light blue membranes.
He was reincarnated to Cloudsdale and met up with a filly Fluttershy and a filly Rainbow Dash. With this encounter, he is now living with Fluttershy's family as a worker and slowly learning about Equestria.
As he grew, he accidentally taught Mr. and Mrs. Shy about human cuisine, cleaning life hacks (Such as combining lemon and detergent to clean dirty surfaces), etcetera. The couple found this strange and he just brushed it off as him being a foreigner, but he did tell his origins to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
A decade later, he is now a fully grown adult and is reunited with his old friends who are reincarnated as well.
He's a forager for herbs, vegetables, and fruits in the Everfree Forest because he can only do it because of the katana he ordered from a local blacksmith. And is the only vacant job at the time he went to Ponyville.
Also, he accidentally changed the weapons of Princess Celestia's guards from spears to katanas because that weapon does not exist in Equestria. Because the military is getting stronger, Ace received a huge amount of bits enough to rebuild a house.
He lives in a large residence with his friends near the Everfree Forest.
He was told by the white alicorn that he cannot earn any cutie marks because he is not completely a pony, but Ace does not care about this and just dealt with it.
Austin Henry Steedman was born the day his brother passed away, due to an attack threat from an Evil alicorn prince. He was genetically altered to fill his brother’s horseshoes and defeat said prince. He never did find out what his cutie mark really is, but he does know it has to do with purpose.
He tends to be the kind of stallion who acts like a man-child, but would do anything to see a friend be happy.
He changes his coat colour based on what he feels if it radiates strongly enough. while most kirin simply turn red with anger taking the form of a nirik, he glows brighter with joy, turns deep blue when sad, pink when in love and bright red when embarassed. He probably has other colours for his various emotions but he hasn't discovered those yet.
All in all he's happy to help anyone in need, and a great big bundle of floof to give a nice big hug to.
She lives in ponyville and often changes into a pony to fit in, but she does not have much understanding of ponys , and will often change into a alicorn without understanding that there are not many of them. Inky isn't the best at making friends and often scares pony away do to the fact that pony and changelings (dragons, griffins, sea pony, ect) living together was a newer thing.
Amethyst Majesty is a martial artist who is destined to be a sensei at Ponyville. In the
past, his father, Hardened Stone, decided that he would have Amethyst Majesty trained to
become a warrior of his terrorist organization called the Purple Nightmares. Amethyst was
trained relentlessly between the ages 7 to 14 to become an expert martial arts fighter, assassin,
and magic user. By the age of 14, he was tasked by his father to kill the murderer. He found the
murderer’s home and defeated him. And when he was ready to kill the murderer, Amethyst
suddenly stopped and saw a vision of his mother. He threw the murderer to the floor and told
him: “Thank my mother” before he disappeared. After that, he decided not to return home and
fled to Ponyville.
As the years go by in Ponyville, Amethyst loved to draw, dance, sing karaoke, and play
games, but he still continued to learn martial arts by joining a karate dojo with and learning the
importance of honor, respect, and friendship. Someday, he will be a sensei and have his own
dojo so that he can teach his students the lessons his sensei, his friends, and his family taught
him in the past.