Nightly Discussion #3116
by CalpainAw, they even left gifts behind for the world's best mail mare!Evening everyone! We're almost at the halfway point for the week. Ready to get your chat on?
Twitter: CalpainShare This!998 Comments
Artist - Rodriguez Something about the beginning of the year alway gets people going, and we tended to write a lot of editorials because of that! It's also usually a period where we were in hiatus mode from the show, so boredom tends to spawn those~
Anyway, history time! Go get major headlines for every January 31'st from 2011-2018!
Concepts and 3D Models for Opaline, Sparky, and Various "Make Your Mark" Objects Released
by SethistoConcept art has started arriving for Make Your Mark, and we begin with a set from 3D artist Joel Ford over on Artstation! He has released both Sparky and Opaline, along with various objects and props used in the series.
Head on over here to see them all in spinny animated versions so you can see all the angles.
Author: HERE
Description:Twilight Sparkle is sure that Rarity and Rainbow Dash are having relationship issues, primarily because they keep inviting her to join them on all their romantic dates.
The Elephant in the Relationship
op 11:00 AM
Labels: comedy, Equestria Girls, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-Needed, Twilight Sparkle -
Source Dashie Day is tomorrow, and submissions close tonight at 11:59 PM PST!
To send something in, fire an email off to SubmitEQD@gmail. with RAINBOW DASH DAY followed by what it is, so RAINBOW DASH DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Now go post glorious Dashie stuff!
Morning Discussion #2912
by CalpainIt's morning so that means it is Celestia time! Ready to face the day?Hope you all are doing well! Time to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3115
by CalpainStarlight looks a little surprised you caught her on her laptop. What do you think she is looking at on there?Evening everyone! How are you all doing? Ready for some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain -
We've got a humongous drawfriend post today! The art side of the fandom is so far from dead it's crazy.
Go get lots of ponies below!
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by AlexsanderCesa6 on Twitter -
Comics: Daily Quest / Honses - Gala / Honses - Party / School of Friendship Go! / Movie Slate - Princess - Oppenheimer
by SethistoWe have a rare comic post dominated by single parters this time! Get them above and below and click for full, starting with nerdy twi doing her dalies.
Source Open Music continues with another pile of pony music for you all to experiemnt with! We've got instrumentals from some of the best, along with a smattering of new people and some vocal tracks! Head on down below and be sure to give them some feedback on their channels!
Description:Twilight Velvet and Night Light have a night on the town with their family. Although, the small stamp of an 'Elder's Discount' sends Velvet into a spiral. When did they become the old ones? And are they next on the chopping block? Logic says so. And it terrifies Velvet.
Elder's Discount
Morning Discussion #2911
by CalpainAnother morning means another day of hard work for AJ, and as it is Monday I guess that means work for most of us too.Hey everyone, hope you're well! Ready to get this week started off right?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3114
by CalpainWing hugs really are the best, aren't they?Evening my friends, another weekend in the books. At least we are getting closer and closer to spring!
Twitter: Calpain -
Source It seems people liked exploring our history yesterday, so I'm going to keepm those posts going for a bit, at least for this period since so much happens in February for whatever reason.
January 29th was pretty art dominated across the years, with dedicated Flurry stuff, and in the early days full compilations every half-a-day. There was a LOT.
Go check out what we were up to from 2011-2018 on this day specifically?
I love Luna with different shifting mane colors based on moon phases. That's my favorite fanon for her.
Go get lots of awesome plushies below!
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by DOCTOR__KODA on Twitter -
Tempest is a good modern pony. Please accept her offering of ponybucks.
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It's snowing by PhoenixPeregrine on Deviantart -
Apple Books has uploaded one preview page for issue 4 of the My Little Pony: Classics Reimagined—Little Fillies comic series, which will be released on February 8. The preview image is reproduced below.
This is the unused single cover art for the song "Street Heart" from My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale.
This image would have been used on Spotify and other streaming services if it had been released on November 4 last year as originally planned, but for some reason they decided not to. In any case, the song was later included on the Tell Your Tale - Vol. 1 soundtrack album, which was released on November 11.
Author: DrunkLuna
Description:While working in the dream realm, Luna meets with a terminally ill filly and carries out a task that never gets easier, though she has performed it countless times.
Her Most Sacred Duty
The next episode of Friendship is Tragic has arrived! Have a description:
Cadence and Spike sit vigil over Twilight Sparkle's body as she lays in a coma. They are determined not to lose the little family they both have left. Yet Princess Luna brings news of a growing problem in the far north that needs an alicorn to deal with it: the return of the Crystal Empire and its mad king ...
Go watch it below if you love radio plays~ -
Morning Discussion #2910
by CalpainMarble here trying her best to wish you a great start to your day!Morning everyone, sleep well I hope? Let's get the day started!
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3113
by CalpainZipp looking awesome to help make your Saturday night a little bit better.Hey everyone! How are you all doing? Have a good day?
Twitter: Calpain -
Source I'm trying out a new post series here on the site. If people seem interested in it, we will be re-visiting all of the oldschool happenings each day covering every year from 2011-2018. The early fandom was amazing, and their creations are things a lot of people haven't experiences before!
Below, find a selection of happenings, releases, projects, or whatever else, one from each day unless a day was just jam-packed with happenings. Go check out some pony history for what happened on today, January 28th, below! And the header image will be extracted from an art post of that era.
The art posting continues, with this cute Dashie set to start it off. Go get lots of pone below!
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by SyrupyyyArt on Twitter -
Dash needs attention, and Rainbow Dash day is on the 1st of February so it's time to deliver!
To send something in, fire an email off to SubmitEQD@gmail. with RAINBOW DASH DAY followed by what it is, so RAINBOW DASH DAY - OPEN ART for open art.
Now go make Dashie things so she will stop bothering us.
Animation: Twilight Meets Twilight
by CalpainWhat would you do if you met your pony self or just one of the mane six in general? Sure would make for an interesting day at the very least.Come get the latest in animation goodness from DoubleWBrothers after the break! -
Comics: Random sketches 313, 317-319 / CMC Sisters-In-Law / Fluttercord #6-7 / Adorkable - Cookie Dough Temptress
by SethistoComic time everyone! We've got a mix of updates and singles today. Go get them above and below and click for full!
Morning Discussion #2909
by CalpainTia seems to be enjoying the flowers~ I wish it was spring already.Morning everyone, how are you all doing? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3112
by CalpainNothing is cozier than snuggling up with a friend~Evening my friends, ready to get cozy yourselves with the start of the weekend?
Twitter: Calpain -
More giant plushies I say! I need them all.
Go get lots of cuddly ponies below.
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Life-Size Pinkamena Plush: back view by AZGchip on Deviantart
4300 of these so far. That's a lot of art! Have some neat OC's this time, and get lots of other ponies below.
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by asim0s on Twitter
Author: EileenSaysHiDescription: Once upon a time, Princess Celestia meant the world to her young protégée, Sunset Shimmer. In many ways, she was the world to the unicorn filly.
Now, the relationship between mentor and student has become deeply strained. Some weeks ago, the two suffered a major spat. As the rift between them grows and emotions churn inside Sunset, she begins to wonder exactly who she is in the eyes of the age-old alicorn who controls the sun.
And as Celestia prepares to leave for a diplomatic errand, she finds herself confronted by her volatile pupil -- and, put on the spot, must find a way to bridge the gap before it's too late.
The Final Conversation
Additional Tags: Destiny is a fickle thing -
Morning Discussion #2908
by CalpainGood friends don't let their drunk friends race with them. Especially accident prone ponies like Dashie.Morning everyone, how are you all doing this Friday morning? Ready to get the day done and over with?
Twitter: Calpain -
Fuzzikins has apparently acquired the G5 license and has a new line of toys coming this year. I've run into these a few times on Amazon, but not for pony!
So far they've revealed Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp Petals solo options, and a duo pack with Izzy and Sunny. Each comes with a variety of accessories and markers to color them with.
Head on down below for a gallery of all of them!
Nightly Discussion #3111
by CalpainIt's almost as if you can feel her soul just leaving her body.Evening everyone, how are you all doing today? Ready to get your chatter on?
Twitter: Calpain -
Author: CommanderApplejack
Description:Luna goes to Manehattan Comic Con in disguise, meeting and spending the day with an online friend there.
Luna's Comic Con
Zipp and Pipp header this time. Head on down below for your anthro and humanized horses!
Zipp! Look at this! Isn't it cute? by Marenlicious on Deviantart -
Fandom artist Luminous Dazzle recently won a contest that had her pony sneak into an episode of Tell Your Tale! If you missed that one, you can find it over here. She can be found zooming around in the backtround.
And to celebrate, she drew some fanart!