Nightly Discussion #3028
by CalpainThe very best of buds~Evening my friends, how are you all doing? Hopefully the week has been treating you well, we're almost at the weekend now. Get to chatting after the break!
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Source Another day, another Open Music compilation. The death of the brony music scene is very much exaggerated with this absolute flood of music!
Go get it all below as always, from new musicians to pros dropping their instrumnetal greatness.
That's a cute Dashie right there. Dash is always good in plush form. And complicated. Can you imagine sewing all those mane segments?
Get plush poni below.
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Rainbow Dash Plush Commission by AZGchip on Deviantart
Krowzi has unleashed another huge batch of custom ponies and as always, they are amazing! I really need to get me one of these.
Go check them all out below!
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by Krowzi on Twitter -
Pretty OC header edition, cause she's gorgeous.
Art below!
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Twinkling by INowISeeI on Deviantart -
With the release of Winter Wish Day later in the month, pop up events are planned for both London's Southbank and Eissporthalle Frankfurt, Germany. Information on the German one can be found over here, and London here, with both events happening on the 12th of November. As with most Hasbro run parties, expect merchandise, activities, and of course Winter Wishday itself.
Thanks to Las Noticias MLP For the heads up.
My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - Episode 34 - Sneaky Strikes Again - Stream / Discussion
by SethistoEnglish now added! (Update)Tell your Tale arrives in a bunch of languages aside from English this morning. I blame Izzy. I'll update it when they drop it, but for now, go get Italian below.
And go get the rest of the Tell Your Tale episodes over here.
Morning Discussion #2826
by CalpainNow this is headwear that Izzy can get behind. Sure beats a tennis ball.Morning everyone, hope you all slept well! Ready for some chatter this morning?
Twitter: Calpain