Nightly Discussion #3026
by CalpainGot to do something with those spare pumpkins after Halloween, right?Evening everyone! Welcome to November! Looks like the year is quickly wrapping up. Crazy, isn't it?
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G5 Cereal anyone?
Time to more crazy G5 merchandise, along with some G4 stragglers. If you find random weird pony merchandise in the wild, be sure to send it our way with a picture and location to Submit@equestriadaily.com with RANDOM MERCH as the subject and we can include it!
Below, get a selection of all the crazy stuff people have found slapped with pony branding. Hasbro will assimilate. You cannot avoid it.
The drawing above is just a slice of a gigantic drawing, so be sure to check out the full one in the source!
Go get a bunch of awesome art along with it too.
[0p] Source - Rotkotka
The studio that brought us My Little Pony: A New Generation has apparently been sold off by Hasbro to an Australian company called Princess Pictures. Apparently the latter is known for prime-time adult comedy more than anything with shows like Smiling Friends, so it will be interesting to see what a company that has primarily a kids catalogue with Hasbro over the last few years will come up with over there.
On the pony side, it's always possible Hasbro could run projects through them third-party style, but their days of being an in-house studio are over, which isn't too surprising since Atomic Cartoons has been our primary source for a while now.
Thanks to Las Noticias MLP and Quentin for the heads up. From Deadline.
More slightly minor news for all today! We have a new store display appearing for G5 pony products, starring a neat Crystal Brighthouse section in the middle. They are apparently planned for toychamp stores in the Netherlands and Belgium right now according to the creator, Your Point of Sale. It will be interesting to see if they wander over to any other countries.
Get more shots below!
After loads of heated discussion on the suggestive nature of the thumbnail, it looks like whoever edits these has started distributing an updated one with more pumpkins and less... whatever else is going on up there. I know my specific horse hangouts were laughing about how ridiculous it was combined with the episode title.
Consider that your minor news for the morning! Hopefully they can get it swapped on the boatload of language uploads they do for every TYT release. For now, the US version still uses the old thumb, which you can find over here.
A few days ago, we had a bunch of screencaps dump from Winter Wish Day, one with a very broken Zipp model in one of the screencaps. It's looking like she's fixed if this new update floating around the internet is any indication! Yay Zipp~
Hopefully they catch the rest before the special releases later this month.
Thanks to Julie for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #2824
by CalpainOne last Flutterbat as we enter November. Good bye spooky season...I can already hear Christmas songs in my head.Morning everyone, how are you all doing? Ready to do some chatter this morning?
Twitter: Calpain