Nightly Discussion #3008
by CalpainA Nightly Discussion with Luna just makes sense, doesn't it? I remember a user that would always ask me for a Celestia in return for every Luna I posted, heh. A shame Tia can't seem to keep up with the fanart her sister manages to get.Evening my friends! How are you all doing tonight? Ready to relax and move onto Friday?
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Remember way back in the day, a whopping 11 years ago in to be exact, when PinkiePieSwear started releasing these super unique voice clip warping songs that took the fandom back then by storm? You know the ones; Sunshine and Celery Stalks, Flutterwonder, Trixie's Good Side are just a few. A bunch of musicians back then started putting their own spin on it, but the concept eventually faded to the background.
Apparently there still are musicians going for these kinds of sounds though! We've got two songs today from someone going by the name of MagicMakesitAllComplete. One uses G5's fresh vocals, and the other bringing us back to Friendship is Magic.
Head on down to listen!
Koa and General Mumble team up for a trippy reggae song dedicated to a pony who doesn't get nearly enough content! Go get some Treehugger below and relax. And while you are at it, go check out the album dedicated to her over here!
That's a rare angle right there. Not a lot of artists drawing from top down.
Go get lots of poni art below!
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by kebchach -
Author: Impossible NumbersDescription: Some might think Twilight Velvet is the luckiest mother in the world. Yet she hasn't seen her daughter since her little girl was crowned princess. Velvet isn't even royalty herself. How can she be a mother to someone so radically different? So far away? So unreal?
Worse, it's now Mare's Day - a day for celebrating motherhood - and the situation is so bizarre that Velvet is in the odd position of having to go visit her little princess in Ponyville, by appointment, to bring the flowers that Twilight will then give back to her as a Mare's Day gift.
Twilight Sparkle's mother, they call her. Always and always. Princess this and princess that. Wouldn't it just be nice if someone looked at her life from any angle other than "Twilight Sparkle's mother"? For a day, at least. A few hours. Anything.
So who should she stumble across in Ponyville but the oddest and most extraordinary mother of all: Derpy, a mail mare capable of looking from all kinds of angles indeed. Sometimes in ways other ponies can scarcely imagine...
Mothering, Someday
Additional Tags: The Ordinary Meets the Extraordinary, and Family Ensuesop 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Impossible Numbers, Complete, Derpy Hooves, Drama, Fanfiction, Star-Needed, Twilight Velvet -
Last year we saw a pony patch for all of the Girl Scouts out there, and they are keeping the trend going with a Make Your Mark challenge tying even further into pony. This one gives little girls challenges to take on and earn even more patches via free activity downloads found over on their website.
They also have a short little video up on the site promoting it.
Thanks to Vension and Julie for the heads up!
op 11:26 AM
Labels: Generation 5 My Little Pony, Girl Scouts, Merchandise, News, Ponies in the Media -
After the leak yesterday, a bunch of people have watched this one in Hindi already. Now to do it again in English!
Below, go get your weekly dose of Tell Your Tale.
Morning Discussion #2805
by CalpainRunning a con or any big event must be so exhausting. I always wonder how the people behind the scenes manage to keep the whole thing from collapsing. Without them though there wouldn't be so many weekends of fun so to all the con organizers and event planners, I wish you all a deep thanks for your work.Morning everyone! How are you all? Ready to get the day going?
Twitter: Calpain