Nightly Discussion #2978
by CalpainArtist: Galaxy SwirlTwilight in her natural element~Evening my friends! Another day done and September is already almost half over! Where does the time go? Soon enough the leaves will be changing and we'll be entering the holiday season. Are you ready for it?
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Rockin' that spoiler tag for this one. If you don't want to see stuff from the trailer, be sure to hit the gear up there and turn it on!
Anyway, Twilight Sparkle was revealed at the end of the trailer, saying she's "I'm with you" to someone, probably Sunny. How does this make you feel, fandom? Did you get the surprise goosebumps so many others are talking about? What do you think her part in the series will actually be? Is it a recording, or is Twilight beaming herself from somewhere else in Equestria as the immortal alicorn princess she is?
Go discuss below!
A bat pony shows Twilight a hidden world - she only needs to listen.
This story was written in just over an hour, and took first place in a Quills and Sofas speedwriting competition.
Universal Sound
I don't think we've ever had a Twinkleshine header image for the Drawfriend posts. Have that!
Now go get art below.
[0] Source
Twinkleshine by TheBatFang on Deviantart -
A new synopsis for Mark Your Mark: Chapter 2 has released! We had a trailer yesterday, and this gives us a bit more detail on what we saw:
Magic has finally returned to Equestria thanks to Sunny Starscout and her new friends! The Pegasi can fly and the Unicorns can use levitation again… and the Earth Ponies have activated their own special magic for the very first time in history. It’s a whole new world! Which is exhilarating… but, well, also a little scary and strange. And now that Sunny is an Alicorn with powers, there’s a lot to figure out.
Make Your Mark airs on the 26th of September! We will keep you updated on anything else that drops about it.
Thanks to VcSaJen for the heads up.
For those enjoying the music of Tell Your Tale, we've got two new extended versions of songs directly from it! Both Party Party Party from the recent episode, as well as Izzy's "All for the love of Trash" have gotten the expansion. With Tell Your Tale episodes being so short, I'm betting most songs for it probably have some more meat to them that is cut to fit the format.
Anyway, go listen below!
Morning Discussion #2776
by Calpain