Nightly Discussion #2977
by CalpainArtist: ChaosAngelDesuPinkie is here to pop in and check in on you!She hopes you all have had a good day and are ready to relax or maybe, if you have the energy, party a little bit.
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Author: NytusDescription: Wendigos are such a nuisance. Because of those detestable monsters, the three southern pony tribes are at each other's throats and are utterly miserable.
We can't feed on that.
Luckily, there is a fourth tribe, far away in the frozen north. These so-called 'Crystal Ponies' surround their home in an aura of light and love, radiating from the largest love crystal in the world!
My name is Carina, and I am an Infiltrator sent to secure the Crystal Heart for my queen. Failure means the end of my hive. Failure is not an option.
Crystals & Chitin
Additional Tags: Pre-Equestria Crystal Empire Changeling Infiltration -
Anyone want an Izzy? We've got her and more today in the plushie compilation! Go get them all below.
[1] Source
Izzy Moonbow MLP plush by adamar44 on Deviantart
With just a few weeks to go, we finally have a trailer for Make Your Mark chapter 2! Get a full 1 minute and 35 seconds worth of teasing for our new pony series releasing on the 26th of September. We will initiall,y have eight episodes, but 23 are planned in total so far. I'm guessing more will happen if it is successful, so be sure to watch it!
Anyway go watch below!
Morning Discussion #2775
by CalpainArtist: @MissBrambleMeleI wonder how Sprout is going to be treated down the line when the show releases? We haven't seen much of him since the movie.Morning my friends, welcome to Monday! How are you all doing today?
Twitter: Calpain
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