Nightly Discussion #2970
by CalpainArtist: @Evlass_ArtWith summer slowly drawing to an end, would you care to join Tia for a swim one last time?Evening my friends! I hope you enjoyed a nice long weekend. Ready to chat before we go back to work and school?
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Cartoon horseworld seems to be completely pure when it comes to processed junkfood. At least we don't see a whole lot of Twilight Sparkle hitting the fridge up for a box of bagel bites at 2am. For now at least, everything appears to be cooked to serve.
How would you corrupt our little ponies with delicious, high calorie, high sodium human food? What do you think they'd love to devour most?
Discuss your million bit idea below! You monster.
Author: Impossible NumbersDescription: For years and years, Grand Pear refused to go back to Ponyville, his pride utterly bruised by his daughter's choice. How dare she choose an Apple over her own kin! How could she do that to him, his own little angel, with her beautiful voice and the songs she learned on his knee?
Before the Rot Sets In
For decades, he never dared answer his own question. And it's not just the guilt that's creeping over him in his old age. Not anymore. He stayed away for too long and has let too much fester in his heart.
Now his own wife WILL make him face the music. Pear Butter is no longer around to play. But it hardly matters, because old stallions can't dance again... can they?
Additional Tags: Cursed Memories, Loss of Youth, and One Last Dance -
I wonder how that retirement is going?
Time for art! Go get them all below.
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Morning Discussion #2768
by CalpainArtist: @IRUSU_kunPonify everything! And it reminds me I need to catch up on this anime.Good morning everyone, welcome to Monday! I hope you all have a lovely day. Ready to chat and get ready?
Twitter: Calpain
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