• Nightly Discussion #2904


    My Little Pony Nightly Discussion Author Calpain
    Artist: TheBatFang

    Dashie seems ready for a special night on the town. I wonder where she is going?

    Evening my friends! I hope you are all doing well tonight. Ready to relax?

    Twitter: Calpain
    Vote for and view our comic. Patreon here
  • Newbie Artist Training Grounds Starts Tomorrow!


    My Little Pony Newbie Artist Training Grounds Author Calpain
    Artist: Janadashie

    Just a final heads up for those who might have missed our prior posts about the NATG! It's back once again for its 12th run and will be starting tomorrow on the blog at 9pm PST, the same as last year. I'm really excited to see what you all come up with this year and I hope you all have a lot of fun as well. After the past year, some fun would be really appreciated, right?

    For those of you who have never participated in our NATG events before it's basically an event where you can try your hooves out on creating art for the first time and improving over the course of 30 odd days.

    Artists who are veterans are more than welcome to join as well! Remember, you can never stop improving!

    As for what sort of artwork you can submit, you're welcome to submit digital art, ponies made on lined paper, paintings, elaborate origami ponies, chalk board ponies, animations, pixel art or even SFM ponies like we did last year.

    We're pretty open on what can be accepted just as long as it matches the theme in some way shape or form.

    Finally, all entries submitted for each theme day have to be a new creation of some sort. We won't be strictly policing this, but the way I see it is that if you're submitting old work you're not giving yourself a chance to improve so you're only hurting yourself.

    Once NATG arrives I'll have a more detailed post on how to submit, where to view, and what to expect out of the schedule. So until then, you guys have a couple weeks or so to prepare and make time for it, so get hyped, get those pencils or drawing pads ready and I'll see you all then.

    For any questions before the event starts, send them to calpain@equestriadaily.com

    Twitter: Calpain

  • Drawfriend Stuff (Pony Art Gallery) #4094

    Poni is energy. Magical prowress. Fear poni.

    Get art below!

    [1] Source
    by minekoo2

  • Fanfiction (Scouted): Bug in a Blizzard



    Description: A distress call issues from a mansion in the snow-capped peaks of the Crystal Mountains. One of the six young residents is reporting evidence of a changeling among them. The Royal Guard rallies to their remote location with all haste, but they are days away—they have charged Detective Pesco and his apprentice Bluebird with investigating the scene in advance.

    There's nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. Identity is a delicate thing, and the changeling's isn't the only one on the brink of unraveling.

    Bug in a Blizzard

  • My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale #16 - Neighfever- Stream / Discussion

    Hasbro has released the new episode of Tell Your Tale early again! You know how this works by now, go get it below and discuss it in the comments! For older episodes, you can find them all over at the Episode Post tag here.

  • Morning Discussion #2701


    My Little Pony Morning Discussion Author Calpain

    Make sure to recharge your Apple Horse with plenty of apples in the morning!

    Hello everyone, how are you all doing? Ready for some chatting to get things kicked off right today?

    Twitter: Calpain
    Vote for and view our comic. Patreon here