Nightly Discussion #2808
by CalpainArtist: @ItsKittyRosieCare for something sweet tonight?Evening my friends! How are you all doing tonight? Ready to chat?
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Artist: Jhayarr23 A single episode is all it took for Kirin to dominate every single other non-pony race in the show. How crazy is that? Can you imagine if they showed up earlier and we ended up with a bunch of episodes starring everyone's favorite dragonpones? Or maybe their single episode appearance was a blessing, and left us wanting more rather than burnt out after multiple kirin episodes? I can't imagine ever getting sick of Autumn Blaze, but it's always possible.
New poll time: It Has Been 2 years Since G4 Ended. Who Was the Best Mane 6 Mare?
We've let the dust completely settle at this point. Time for a final character battle with just the original 6! Go vote on the side bar, and get these results below!
While not all of us were on board with the humanized horses train, there is no doubt that a good chunk of the fandom was. Sunset Shimmer became one of the most popular characters, rivaling even some of the mane 6 in content created based on her.
Would you like a spinoff of G5 starring colorful humanized ponies like we got with G4? Or would you prefer we stay quadrupedal and focus on ponies entirely?
Discuss below!
Thanks to Dominick for the discussion idea. If you'd like to submit a discussion topic, send an email to Submit@equestriadaily.com with DISCUSSION as the subject.
Artist: @Navel_Colt G5 pones are going to flood us later in the year. I'm looking forward to all the crazy stuff they get up to! That comic teaser really has me wondering how much we will find out about old-questria as part of it's overall story. I'm glad it wasn't delved into too much in the movie now that I can kinda see their plans for the show.
Get art below!
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by Navel_Colt on Twitter -
Plushie pony time! We've got a bunch of awesome ones today, starting with a rare Treehugger! Go get them below.
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Mlp Tree Hungger by Egalgay on Deviantart
It has been about a year since our last posting about the sims style game "The Ponies", but the team continues to work through the games creation and as of a few days ago have started looking for a C# programmer if anyone out there is interested in giving it a shot.
Head on down below for their release on it! You can find the website over here.
Artist @Imalouart Another pile of concept art has been released over on the Twitter of Imalou, following the flood of stuff we recieved yesterday! This set focuses on Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle in a more 3D style, based on a flashback scene that was cut in the movie.
Get it all below as always!
Comics: Royal Parental Issues / Adorkable - Rewarding / Lullaby #195 / Fix #17 / Guardian #55
by SethistoComic time! We've got changeling and dragon parents, and lots of updates! Go get them above and below and click for full.
Morning Discussion #2602
by CalpainArtist: @PSkillengtonWho wouldn't find a little Rarity plush adorable?Morning my friends! Welcome to the middle of the week already. Ready to get to chatting?
Twitter: Calpain