After various other fan remixes, Event HoriXZ0n stopped by Sugarcube Corner again and baked such an uplifting remix there, extra sugar in the mix courtesy of Pinkie who was around to give them one special extra cheer! The result is such a heart-warming experience encompassing the wholesomeness of the pony who just wants everypony to be happy (just like I do!), with brand new melodic parts as well as an extended finale for more pony emotion, and once again the Equestrian hearts resonate and the fellow bronies longing for Equestria will know that they are not alone! Lots of pony hugs from me my brethren!
Sunday, March 20, 2022 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: VocalShare This!3 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2805
by CalpainArtist: @itssugarmorningTrixie here making a cameo and giving Starlight her support. After all, if you're friends with Trixie you've got to expect her to butt in from time to time.Evening my friends, the end of the first day of spring is upon us! Hope you all had a great one!
Twitter: Calpain -
Artist: @MaudYoshi Pros and new artists abound have come out for Glimmy Day! We've got some great stuff from all walks of life this time around. Head on down below for open art starring Starlight!
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by MaudYoshi on Twitter -
Artist: @taneysha3 It's Starlight art compilation time! She's a good mare and slightly unstable, so please appreciate her by acknowledging her fan art. Open art will be later tonight if you submit to that.
This is only for newer art made in the last year. For older art, hit up these links: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Now go get Starlight below!
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by taneysha3 on Twitter -
The pony art never ends! And I can't ever complain. I love this part of the fandom more than anything. Especially Sunny~
Get it all below! Starlight's arty posts are in a bit.
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Sunny Starscout by ragurimo on Deviantart
In honor of Starlight Glimmer Day, let's take a look at the biggest vengeance plan ever created to cause even the fabric of time to fold. She did get better and became a fan favorite so let's make sure we appreciate where she came from and how powerful she was to become the first student of the Princess of Friendship.
Starlight Glimmer returns with more fanfics to read about her! How will she mind control her friends this time? Head on down below the break to read 25 of the best fics of her, and find more here if you want a completely different list from last year! And thanks to Whisper Key for scouting it all again.
Now go read Glimm below.
Fan works can be an infinite source of inspiration for more fan works and Ocean Melody's songs themed about the popular fanfic Background Pony are certainly a fine example of that! Here you will be able to appreciate a progressive and melancholic lyre composition, reflecting the depth hinted by the quote in the description!
Artist: SonnatoraStarlight when she was introduced was an interesting character, certainly different from some of the villains we had seen before and when her finale came up with Twilight she came awfully close to actually winning in the end. After her reform, she remained quite a polarizing figure for a long time after and I even have to admit I didn't quite care for her at first.Like with many, she has grown on me over time, but for some, she still remains a point of contention in the show. So what are your thoughts? Has she grown on you over time or did you always like her? How did you think she developed as a character? What episodes would you have given her if the show had kept going?Talk about all of that and more in the comments!Twitter: Calpain
Morning Discussion #2599
by CalpainArtist: BobTheDalekEven though it is her day, Starlight isn't going to be able to join in before she has had her pot of coffee.Morning everyone! How are you all doing this morning? Welcome to spring!
Twitter: Calpain -
Artist: YakovlevTime for Starlight to takeover for the day so she has decided to take the throne for herself, sit back and relax as we celebrate her own day and the first day of spring! As always with our appreciation days you can expect a number of Starlight posts throughout the day so make sure to keep checking back to see what is new.If you still have material to submit, make sure to send it in to by 12pm PST with Starlight Day in the subject line followed by the media you're sending in.Example: Starlight Day - ComicsWe hope you all enjoy!Twitter: Calpain