Nightly Discussion #2801
by CalpainArtist: SockiePuppetryA pony riding another pony? What madness is this?!Evening everyone! I hope you had a good middle of the week. Ready to get to chatting?
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Artist: @TwitterShy This week's open art has arrived! Have some Sunny as a header, and be sure to go draw for Starlight Day! It's getting close.
Go get open art below.
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Sunny starscout by TwitterShy on Deviantart -
Oh no! You woke up from a nap and you are now a kirin. You are the only person on earth that this happened to. It's also completely irreversable.
What do you do now? Do you go in guns blazing showing the world your new form to get the shock value over with? Do you isolate for fear of government experimentation? How do you reveal your new kirinness?
And once the world-wide surprise is over, what do you do for a job? Will you be a Kirinfluencer and show off fur-care products? Or do you just do your current job?
Artist @EifieChan What do you think of freckles on ponies?
Art time! Get it all below.
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by EifieChan on Twitter -
Description: Rainbow has known Fluttershy for a long time, almost longer than she can remember remembering things at all. Lately, though... things have been weird. Not like... super weird, but weird.
It's like... Shy is still Shy, but cooler? Not quite. It's complicated. Rainbow wasn't actually planning to do anything about it, though. Not until Applejack stuck her nose into Rainbow's business.
Still, maybe it will be okay. She just has to talk to Shy, right?
A Little Bit of Nothing
Anthro and humanized arrives! Have some happy Twilight to get you started, and get the rest below.
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Twilight Sparkle-chan by nendo23 on Deviantart
Morning Discussion #2595
by Calpain