Nightly Roundup #1531
by CalpainArtist: @Irusu_KunYou know, three is a crowd, Twilight.News time everyone! A bit shorter than usual, but that's ok! Get it all after the break.Share This!4 Comments
Nightly Discussion #2791
by Calpain -
Artist:thedriveintheatre This week's open art stars a nurse pone that doesn't get nearly enough attention! People need to draw her more.
Get open art below.
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When you need help, just call by thedriveintheatre on Deviantart -
A netflix release means we get it all at once, and that tends to kill discussion compared to our old weekly style which we've seen from the leaks during season 8 and 9. Most just binge them all or watch early, which kills the whole week of fan-content creation. Hopefully we can make it work with the G5 series!
New Poll time: What Was the Best Rarity song?
Go vote on the side bar and get these results below.
Artist: @SonyaK_E That's a cute OC pony right there. We have the best OC's in this fandom.
Get art below!
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by SonyaK_E on Twitter -
Comic: Aura / Quiet / Stormy Night 3:23 / The Trial / Movie Slate: The Death of Superman Lives
by CalpainAt least Sprout is out there trying to better himself, even if he is having some difficulties.Comics guys, get them after the break! Click for full! -
An in-progress cartoon pony MMORPG called PoniGame is currently recruiting the tech savvy or artistic among the fandom to help make the game a reality! They have quite a few interesting bits of material already built, and need the usual game-creation army to keep the momentum going.
Head on down below for a breakdown on what they are looking for.
Them's Fightin' Herds has been chuggin along over on Steam for a while now, but the team hasn't said anything about a console release for it to really draw in the controller crowd. A new listing over on esrb.org might be hinting at that idea becoming a reality! PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series are all marked, with an E10+ rating as the target, plus a rating summary going over what the game includes to earn that score:
This is an action game in which players assume the role of a pony-like character battling evil forces. Players explore dungeon locations, search for an artifact, and encounter cartoony enemies (e.g., wolves, snakes, bears) to fight. Battles are presented as stylized one-on-one fights, with animal characters punching, kicking, and using special moves (e.g., lasso toss) to deplete opponents' health bar. Fights are highlighted by impact sounds, light effects, and cries of pain. Among dozens of items, players can obtain fermented grape juice and a bottle of champagne; costume items include cigarettes/pipes with wisps of smoke.
We will get a followup going if they confirm it!
Thanks to Korovo and Joe for sending it.
Morning Discussion #2585
by Calpain