Nightly Discussion #2785
by CalpainArtist: @sibashenTwo princesses to help greet you all tonight?Evening my friends, how are you all doing today? Ready to do some chatting?
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The kirin is sad. She only got one episode despite being loved by all, except horrible people who don't have souls. The 9th season of pony rolled around, and generation 4 was officially over outside of our brief adventure in the comics.
Would you have liked to see another season of the show? What kind of episodes would you have liked to see them tackle in it? Or what storylines did you want to see expanded on?
Discuss below!
Artist: @KurogeWaPony Pinkie Pie never gets the header slot. Time to change that for a day.
Art below!
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by KurogeWaPony on Twitter -
Artist:Notenoughapples This is your last call to get stuff in for Derpy Day!
To submit for Derpy Day, send an email to Submit@equestriadaily.com with what it is, so DERPY DAY - OPEN ART as the title of your email for open art!
Submissions close at 11:59 PM PST tonight, so get them in quick!
Morning Discussion #2579
by CalpainArtist: @pierogartsSome lovely Fluttershy to help get your day started.Morning everyone, how are you all starting out the week?
Twitter: Calpain