Alternate title: "Luna's Peace" or "Wings Of Luna". Now those who will get those references while listening to the music, will get a cookie from me! Do dive deep in Night's beauty with this new release from Ocean that takes us on a stroll through peaceful moonlit paths.
Sunday, February 20, 2022 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Orchestral, SoundtrackShare This!1 Comment
I must not have been the only one around these parts who did a double take when seeing the title of this new episode of Rock Fox's Brony Music History in my YouTube feed!! Yes, this is an interview with the one and only PinkiePieSwear! I'm pretty sure I don't need to introduce him to you, but just in case, he's one of the OGs who made very tender, emotional and memorable pony music back in the early years of the community, and that is still deeply appreciated and cherished to this day!!
Watch the episode on YouTube here, check out the show on Spotify here, or add the podcast feed to your podcast app from here!
Nightly Discussion #2777
by CalpainArtist: @Pony-ThunderI think I'd have the same reaction as Fluttershy if I was ambushed by a bouncing Pinkie Pie.Evening everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Ready for some chatter tonight?
Twitter: Calpain -
Applejack is underappreciated, so have her as a header.
Get anthro and human below.
[0] Source
Apple selfie by The-Park on Deviantart -
Friendship. Friendship is good.
Get art below!
[7] Source
You can do it Sprout! by Scribble-Potato on Deviantart -
For the Friday Night Funkin' fans out there that were part of the 6 million people that watched the initial reveal of this one, the corrupted Twilight Sparkle mod "Dusk 'Til Dawn" is now available to download over on Gamejolt! Save Twilight from the corruption with Pinkie Pie! It's pretty epic.
If you missed the video, you can catch it again below. Otherwise, go download it here. Instructions for installing the mod can also be found on that page
Poll Results: Are Applejack and Rainbow Dash Together Romantically At the End of Season 9?
by SethistoIt looks like we are pretty split on the Appledash ending of Friendship is Magic, with a lead going toward hooking them up. I feel like G4 ended right as this sort of thing became alright in kids media. I wonder if Hasbro will go all the way in G5 with one of our mane characters? I know the fandom loves shipping Izzy and Sunny.
New Poll Time: What Do You Think of the Style for the New 2D Youtube Side Pony Series?
It's only a side series, and not the mainline-G5 we can expect later in the year, but it's what we've got right now! Go vote on the side bar and get these results below!
How about some epic OST-like piece of 8 minutes, telling a fanfic-level story written in the comments section? Here you go! This is quite commendable and amazing really, with not only the sheer length and thoughtfulness of the story and associated lore, but also that musical mastery of composing fitting parts to tell the different story parts, and to make it relentlessly intense for 8 minutes! This definitely took a lot of skill and passion!
This is available on the compilation album Equinity 04 Immersion!
Shorts and Animatics: Jasper's Answering Machine 3: Callers in Time / Celestia is Thicc / This Is How a Unicorn Bounce
by SethistoAnimatics and animation arrive! We've got more of Jasper and Friends, followed by a silly mature humor joke about Celestia, and finish with Izzy traveling the countryside in a car.
Get these short animations and animatics below!
Morning Discussion #2572
by Calpain