Nightly Discussion #3085
by CalpainYou know the rules you two~ Better make it quite before 2022 leaves us behind.Evening everyone! Welcome to the last ND of 2022! Here is to another year of ND fun to come!
Twitter: CalpainShare This!1461 Comments
Source We've got a ton of music coming in lately. It seems like the brony music side of the fandom is still going as strong as ever!
Have a bunch of tracks from people new and old, along with high-end instrumentals from some veterans of the scene!
I never thought our primary continuation of G4 pony content would be from the Gameloft game, but here we are! Apparently Chaos Luna is a thing over there, and she's decked out in some very snazzy looking armor.
What do you think her goals are? What is chaotic about the moon today? How would a CHAOS LUNA episode play out?
Share your ideas on this crazy concept below.
Author:James Pwyll
Description:For a thousand years, the alicorns of House Solaris have ruled over the ponies of Equestria with wisdom and care. Now, in the present, Twilight, youngest daughter of the Queen, goes about her day as befits a Princess of the Realm.
House of the Alicorn
op 3:00 PM
Labels: Cadance, Celestia, Complete, Crossover, Fanfiction, Luna, Star-Needed, Twilight Sparkle -
Bats for christmas. Bats for New Years. Bats all the time.
Get art below.
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by AnkuSweethurt on Twitter -
Morning Discussion #2882
by CalpainTime to get off your comfy clouds, everyone! It's the last day of the year, time to say goodbye to 2022!How are you all doing today? Ready to relax this weekend?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3084
by CalpainI wonder just how Zipp and Rainbow would get along? I think they'd be fast friends. Smolder? She's just along for the ride.Evening everyone and welcome to the weekend! Ready to say goodbye to 2022?
Twitter: Calpain -
Source Open Music is here once again, where we post a bunch of songs from skill levels across the fandom, along with instrumental tracks!
Go get it all below.
Your anthro and humanized has arrived, with G5 ponies as the header today! Go get lots of awesome art below.
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A secret admirer by Lucy-tan on Deviantart -
I wonder how they met? I guess we will find out eventually.
Get art below!
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MLP G5: Garden Stroll by aztrial on Deviantart
Description:Alicorns fly. Sunflowers turn with the sun.
Celestia didn’t think these statements were particularly reliable.
She had her reasons.
Wings and Sunflowers
Morning Discussion #2881
by CalpainPoor Misty, she really does deserve something better, doesn't she?Morning my friends, hope you all slept well! Ready to get this Friday started?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3083
by CalpainGot all of the girls here tonight to wish you a good evening! They hope you all have had a fantastic day!Ready to get to chatting my friends?
Twitter: Calpain -
That's a cute Pinkie right there. I really need a lifesize that isn't in the laying pose some day.
Get plushies below!
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Pinkie Pie Hugging Pony Plush by LittleFairysWonders on Deviantart -
Comics: Friendship Is Magic #11-4 / Crusaders #45 - 48 / Revolution of Harmony #2-18 / nEvermore #72
by SethistoTime for comics, starting with that super long running anime style huimanized pony series!
Go get them above and below and click for full size.
The derp has good advice. Be sure to listen to her.
Get art below!
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by rubiowolf on Twitter -
My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale – Episode 42: Firework-ing Together – Stream / Discussion
by overcastThe new episode of My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale, "Firework-ing Together", is now out in all 29 languages, including English! This episode was written by Alex Collier.
Find the rest of the episodes over here.
Morning Discussion #2880
by CalpainTwilight here to wish you all a good morning! She hopes you all have a great day ahead!Ready to get to chatting before you get too busy?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3082
by CalpainIzzy in all of her glory!~Good evening everyone! How are you all managing tonight? Ready to sit back, relax and chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
The Open Art has arrived, with one of the rare fandom Instagram artists as a header today!
Go get lots of awesome art below.
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[Slice of Life]
Author: Ghost MikeDescription: On the heels of discovering her cutie mark and the greatness that is contemporary music, Vinyl Scratch finds herself alone in a snowy park with no music. Just peachy. Searching around for something to entertain herself, she finds a most unusual sight: a filly about her age, playing music far removed from her preferred tunes.
It doesn't take long for Vinyl to form an unflattering opinion of this snobby filly. Culture clashes will do that. Yet perhaps there's more to her music, and her, then meets the eye. All that's needed is some common ground.
Nopony said the ground had to be solid earth.
New Wave of the Frozen Variety
Additional Tags: Hearth's Warming, Culture Clash, Ice Skating, Being open to new things -
Discussion: Now That We've Had a Bunch of G5 Content to Absorb, What Do You Think Happened to G4 Equestria?
by SethistoSource We left off with a relatively peaceful world for G4. Twilight had taken over, the mane 6 were getting older, and things seemed good overall. Between then and now though, something horrible obviously happened.
We've had a ton of episodes of Tell Your Tale, a movie, a full season of Make Your Mark, multiple specials, and of course the comics. While most of this has focused ont he events of G5, they have trickled in a ton of G4 lore to go along with it.
What do you think happened now that you've seen some of it? What went horribly wrong to essentially wipe out magic, split the ponyverse in three, and turn everyone into racist crazies?
Drop your theories below!
It's a goood drawfriend today, with cute poni all over the place. Can you handle Misty here? I don't think so.
Get art below!
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by VettaCutePony on Twitter -
Youtuber Izzzyzzz has done a few videos over the years covering the fandom, and they are always filled with interesting bits of history about our weird little culture here. This time around she covers the craziest moments that have happened over the years, from Double Rainboom to Las Pegasus Unicon.
Head on down below for it~
Author: Impossible NumbersDescription: Harsh thunder and sharp lightning on one side. Weak clouds and endless chasing on the other. What's a big sister to do?
Additional Tags: Calming Storms, Mane Therapy, and "Stoic and Stressed"op 5:00 AM
Labels: Author: Impossible Numbers, Cloudchaser, Complete, Drama, Fanfiction, Flitter, Star-Needed -
Morning Discussion #2879
by CalpainRarity looks simply fabulous in her holiday regalia. What do you think?Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Ready to get started with the day?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3081
by CalpainNow that is a princess-sized serving of tea!Evening everyone, hope you are all doing ok. Ready to settle down and chat a bit?
Twitter: Calpain -
Artist Chrysalis is pretending to be disgruntled by your appreciation, but she secretly loves it and is actively gaining power from it. Be careful.
New Poll Time: What is the Best Thing About Chrysalis?
Go vote on the side bar for the new one, and get these results below!
For the longest time, Celestia had spent Hearth's Warming Eve the same way.
Well, at least until a certain purple filly comes along.
Celestia’s Disastrous Hearth’s Warming
Rarity hasn't been a header in the while. Have fashionpone and get lots of awesome art below!
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by brdte -
This is a gallery featuring all of the images in the sticker book from My Little Pony: Mane Merge. The sticker book is basically a catalog of the in-game achievements, and you unlock the stickers as you progress through the game.
In case you missed it, My Little Pony: Mane Merge is a new video game on the Apple Arcade subscription service, and was released on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV earlier this month. It's developed by Gameloft, but unlike the other MLP game they made back in 2012, this one doesn't have any microtransactions.
Check out the gallery below!
Morning Discussion #2878
by CalpainWith Christmas now over that means it is time for us to coast into the New Year! 2022 has been another tough year for a lot of folks, but that doesn't mean we can't give up hope that 2023 will be better and that 2022 didn't have some bright spots. Make sure to let those bright spots in 2022 know they made your year just a little bit better.Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3080
by CalpainWhich do you choose?Evening my friends, hope you all had a great day! Ready to relax and chat a bit?
Twitter: Calpain -
There aren't a lot of chibi plushie headers are there? Lets do that this time with some Treehugger! Go get plushiesa below.
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by larsen_toys on Twitter -
Morning Discussion #2877
by CalpainI really enjoy this little family of royals~Morning everyone! How are you all doing the day after Christmas? Get some decent sleep?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3079
by CalpainUh oh, looks like Fluttershy has found herself in an interesting situation!Evening everyone! Ready for some chatter this Christmas?
Twitter: Calpain -
Anthro and Humanized had a lot of holiday cheer today too, so have a compilation of art from the more finger-filled category. Go get it below!
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MerryChristmas Rarity by RacoonKun on Deviantart