So, after some talk with Seth that was long overdue, I guess I am back! I mainly left because of nothing to do, after a bit of back and forth I've decided to return and with a new feature to keep me and some of the other authors on EqD busy.
I'll be brainstorming more ideas along this similar vein to not only help with volunteer retention, but also give you all more to participate with and do on the website.
Sorry that it is a bit of a whiplash being back suddenly, but sometimes when Seth and I butt heads things get fixed and new ideas come out of the kerfuffle. The next ND and MD will be Seth's before I take back over completely again for these features, but expect more from again soon.
Thanks again for you all being there during this weird time. I hope you've all been doing ok, care to start some chatter?
Twitter: Calpain