Nightly Discussion #3025
by CalpainTrixie is out getting some candy tonight while you all praise her. It's the best of both worlds really, don't you think?Evening everyone! Are you having a decent Halloween? I hope you manage to get a nibble of candy tonight at least!
Twitter: CalpainShare This!794 Comments
Your Trixie Day open art has arrived, where we let anyone and everyone submit drawings, photoshop works, and everything else to celebrate a character! Trixie got a good amount today. Go get it all below.
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The winner is plushies! By a pretty wide margin. They definitely are by far my favorite fan merch. I'm not surprised every lifesize maker out there has a multi-year queue at this point.
New poll time: Is G5 Living up to the Hype of G4? Do You Like It More or Less?
Go vote on the side bar and get these results below!
Trixie's art storm has arrived! What did you all draw starring the Great and Powerful One over the last year? As a non main-pony (regretably~) she doesn't come quite a close to the regular cast, but she still has loads of loyal admirers, so expect a good amount!
For older art, go hit up the old post. Open Art will be later tonight!
Now go get Trixie.
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Trixie by TheBatFang on Deviantart
Twilight's a good devil. It's Halloween everyone! Expect a lot of art for the holiday today. Trixie's posts will be a bit later. Go get the pone below.
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what is wrong here by Skitsroom on Deviantart -
How My Little Pony Toy Packaging is Designed - Interesting Concept Shots from Hasbro Toy Artist
by SethistoAn artist going by the name of Vanessa Mack has posted up a bunch of neat images and descriptiolns from her time working on packaging for some of the G5 toys. Particularly the advent calendar from a while back, some of the Pony Life figures, Equestria Girls, even banners at those corporate events you all see us post occasionally. It's neat to see some of her early sketches and mockups on how the overall packaging will be designed.
Her gallery is pretty extensive. Head on down below to check some of it out, and get links for full galleries of each!
Source The Great and Powerful Trixie clearly rocked it on Friendship is Magic with her amazing episodes. No pony came close to how stellar the reviews were every single time she even made a few seconds worth of appearance. Paired off with Glimmy she was only better!
How would you handle a Trixie episode if you had the ability to write one up? What Trixie based things would you do to maximize her entertainment factor and avoid disappointing her adoring masses?
Go hit the comments up with what you think would make Trixie the best mare ever, or just discuss all things Trixie. It's Trixie Trixie Trixie time.
Morning Discussion #2823
by CalpainWell, it is her appreciation day today, you know?Morning everyone! Sorry this one is a bit late, I thought Seth would grab it with the rest of the morning Trixie stuff! Hope you all have a great day!
Twitter: Calpain -
Trixie Day officially begins! If you put a wizard costume on a pony, it's inevitable or something.
Today we will have posts throughout the day starring the Great and Powerful one. What did she do to make the show a better experience? How did she change the world with her dazzling magic? How many fanfics shipped her with Twilight and Starlight? You owe it to Trixie for all of the abuse. Now go celebrate her!
You would think after turning back from Nightmare Moon, Luna would have some more opinions about Nightmare Night and having her past literally haunting her. But many be no grudge was ever there (regardless of the Tantabus issue). Let's look a little further into this spook day and its history both real and pony based.
Nightly Discussion #3024
by CalpainThis show of ours and all their silly faces. What were some of your favorite expressions?Evening everyone! How are you all doing? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Has it really been that long since the last open art? Where does time even go?
Time for more ponies doing things from people all around the fandom. Or just neat city-scapes like this one. Go get it all below!
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View of Equestria from Ponyville by Addelum on Deviantart -
Source I wanted to make Roundups more common again, so lets keep that going. This one is pretty much all videos, but that's mostly what comes in these days. Also it's the middle of the day here, but nightly already broke when they became monthly so you don't mind do you~
Go get all of it below.
Twilight Sparkle has many forms. Have two of those, and get lots of anthro and human below!
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by tainanstation, shimizuseiichi
Source Trixie's big day is right around the corner! Time to celebrate top wizard.
To submit, send an email to submit@equestriadaily.com with TRIXIE DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so TRIXIE DAY - OPEN ART for open art!
Now go appreciate her with art and stuff!
Morning Discussion #2822
by CalpainDerpy here to make sure you have a wonderful morning! If only everyone was so lucky.How are you all doing? Ready for another Sunday?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3023
by CalpainIs the world ready for the likes of evil Misty?Evening everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Ready to chat a bit?
Twitter: Calpain -
Description:In the short span of one night out, Grogar and his army return from the underworld, and Twilight Sparkle gets more drunk than anypony in history. Her friends need a plan, and fast. Then Rainbow Dash has an idea. This can only end well.
Bring Your Friend's Parent to Work Day
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Applejack, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Star-Needed, Twilight Velvet -
That's a nice Dashie right there. I could trust her with things.
Get awesome pony plushies below!
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by larsen_toys on Twitter -
Cute oc's are the best part about poni these days.
Go get those and more below!
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by xDreamSugarx on Twitter -
Hasbro has been giving out unannounced products to review for people over on Walmart's website, and someone two days ago posted one up talking about a new toy called "My Little Pony Opaline Arcana Wing Surprise". While we can't confirm it yet, there's a good chance Opaline's last name is Arcana.
Do with that information what you will!
Thannks to MLPG5 for the heads up.
3 More Pages of the upcoming My Little Pony G5 Comic #6 have been released! If you missed out announcement on it, you can find the details over here. Release is November 2nd.
Head on down below to read them.
Morning Discussion #2821
by CalpainZipp carrying on Rainbow's legacy of always dressing in style~Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Sleep well?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3022
by CalpainIt looks like you've stumbled on Luna! Go on, introduce yourself to her.Evening my friends, welcome to the weekend! Ready to get some chatting done?
Twitter: Calpain -
Comics: Days in the Lives of the Royal Sisters #26 / Adventure Teabreak / Adorkable - The Gourd Life / Champion Spirit
by SethistoI wonder how much caffine it takes to perk up someone who is 1000 years old?
Get comics above and below and click for full!
Autumn header! The best season. I wish it existed here in Arizona.
Get anthro and human below!
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by applesartt on Twitter
Nightmare Night get closer and closer, meaning we have a huge drawfriend post today! Go get all the pony art below.
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Operation Candy Steal by Rocket-LawnChair on Deviantart -
Short Animations: Filli Vanilli x Grace Kelly Challenge / Pipp Petals Getting Petted / Machine Gun
by SethistoSlightly uncanny SFM horses do things, and more Chinese fandom shorts! Head on down below for a mix of animations.
Morning Discussion #2820
by CalpainDon't worry about it Discord, it's just that time of the year for her. It'll pass.Morning everyone! How are you all doing today? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #3021
by CalpainYou know, I think I'm more of a Rarijack fan than a Rainbowjack fan. It's just more cute I think, heh.Evening everyone, how are you all doing? Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Check Out These 30 Amazing Entries for The Pony Halloween Costume Contest - And Who Won!
by SethistoMarjetzy Love and Tolerance Con over on Second Life ran an impromptu Halloween/Nightmare Night costume contest yesterday with a huge amount of ponies putting their hooves into the pot for the 5k cash prize! Modelers, customizers, and general people with cool looking ponies all put their skills into the mix to show off all sorts of neat designs, from evil demon ponies to full on skeletons.
The contest was open to any model, but most use Open Pony at this point so it turned into another gallery for those. Head on down below to check out what everyone made! Some of these are absolutely amazing.
Description:Cloudy Quartz discovers a giant, beating heart of stone underground. Equestria is alive, and it knows she's there.
A cutesy story about marriage.
Rock Beats
Sweet Velvet is the best witch. This is irrefutable fact and I'll fite you.
Get art below!
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by Confetti_Cakez on Twitter -
we have a bit of minor news for you all this morning if you are someone who likes spamming gifs in places. Giphy has expanded their My Little Pony lneup with give new ones. Head down below for them all!
You can find them over here.
Thanks to Las Noticias MLP and MLPG5 for the heads up.
Source Would you accept Trixie's teacup? You better.
To submit, send an email to submit@equestriadaily.com with TRIXIE DAY as the subject followed by what it is, so TRIXIE DAY - OPEN ART for open art!
The deadline is 11:59 PM PST on the 30'th, so get it in quick!
More Tell your Tail arrives! You know how it works, go watch below.
For older episodes, hit this tag up.
Morning Discussion #2819
by CalpainThese two did end up being quite cute together, didn't they?Morning everyone! How are you all doing? Time to chat and rub the sleep out of your eyes.
Twitter: Calpain -
We've got a new comic teaser for you all from the upcoming Little Fillies series, #1. We announced this one way back in August and haven't seen much on it since then.
Head on down below to check it out if you are curious!
Nightly Discussion #3020
by CalpainA cute little Pumpkinshy! Care to spend the night in with her on Nightmare Night?Evening everyone! How are you all doing? Ready for some chatter to get the evening going?
Twitter: Calpain -
Sunny is cute. She needs more plushie love.
Get more awesome cuddly horses below.
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Life Sized Plush Sunny Pony by PurpleNebulaStudios on Deviantart