I know I said the last gallery was the final OpenPony showcase, but I can't help but love these models. The last few galleries were simple shots at different amazing OC's people had come up with, along with recreations of canon charcters that looked really good. Now that I've learned a bit more about picturee taking in Second Life, I've decided to give the next batch of ponies an extra bit of love by dragging them to different areas for complete shots with background and all.
Fortunately, popen enjoy getting their pictures taken.
Below, find a smaller, more high quality gallery than the last few I've done starring various amazing OC's, crossovers, and re-creations of canon characters. I don't know if there will be more of these galleries, but I enjoy sharing cool stuff I find here with everyone so I doubt I'll be able to resist making another once I collect more souls ponies. If you want to see more just general shots of cool OC's people have made, be sure to hit the Open Pony label for all the galleries.
gigachad x |
Bloodborne Pony - Xipsyl
Boggy Bat
Boggy Pegasus Musician
Clownponi |
Dark Lotus
Glitterpone Bigmane
Just a bunch of ponies
Kit Aeries Cyberpunk
Miss Syl
Omniportal the Portal Pony
Queen Chrysalis
Cloudberry |
Ranni The Witch
More Dark Lotus
Xen and Luna (Magnaluna Style)
Amaterasu (Xipsyl