Artist: Darksly
Day 29 is always a difficult prompt to pull off, but I always enjoy seeing just how many of the other prompts you all manage to fit in and in such creative ways at times. With today over that means there is only one more official prompt left and you all know what that is (at least if you've done these before, otherwise it's a bit of a surprise).
For today we managed to bring in 46 ponies which brings us up to 2049 ponies in total!
As always you can find the submitter here.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
All Previous Prompts
Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony stuck in place
Day 2: Draw a moving pony / Draw a pony leaping to action
Day 3: Draw a pony filled with determination / Draw a pony ready to take on the world
Day 4: Draw a pony discovering something unexpected / Draw a pony hiding something
Day 5: Draw a pony meeting a long lost friend / Draw ponies who are inseparable from each other
Day 6: Draw a pony facing their greatest fear / Draw a pony scared senseless
Day 7: Draw a pony fawning over another pony / Draw a pony falling head over heels for another pony
Day 8: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony making a change in their life
Day 9: Draw a pony as a filly or colt / Draw a pony sent back in time
Day 10: Draw a pony full of pride / Draw a pony going above and beyond
Day 11: Draw a pony burning up / Draw a pony beating the heat
Day 12: Draw a pony lost in space / Draw a pony from the far future
Day 13: Draw a pony trying to come up with a prompt / draw a pony scraping the bottom of the barrel
Day 14: Draw a pony doing something they love / Draw a pony picking up a new hobby
Day 15: Draw a ponyfied version of your favorite book, game, ect / Draw a pony scene you’d loved to have seen in the show
Day 16: Draw different pony generations meeting each other / Draw a pony exploring a brand new world
Day 17: Draw a pony feeling hopeless / Draw a pony at the end of their rope
Day 18: Draw a pony dreaming / Draw a pony letting their mind wander
Day 19: Draw an exhausted pony / Draw a pony burning out
Day 20: Draw a pony finding their second wind / Draw a pony finding the courage to go on
Day 21: Draw a pony returning from a long journey / Draw a pony on an adventure
Day 22: Draw a pony having a blast / Draw a pony party
Day 23: Draw a pony up to no good / Draw a pony with twisted thoughts
Day 24: Draw a pony facing a mistake from their past / Draw a pony trying to make things right
Day 25: Draw a pony stretching the truth / Draw a pony with a tall tale to tell
Day 26: Draw a pony facing their destiny / Draw a pony about to make a life changing decision
Day 27: Draw a pony racing to the finish / Draw a pony beating the clock
Day 28: Draw a pony relaxing / Draw a pony catching their breath
Day 29: Draw as many previous prompts in a single picture as you can / Draw a pony pulled every which way
1 I Did It! - EveryDayDashie

"This is where it all began... As I approach with determination, I witnessed art expressed in millions of shapes and forms." As we're about to wrap up NATG for this year, I think it would be interesting for me to look back at things I drew in the past 4 weeks. The prompt for today is to draw as many previous prompts in a single picture as you can. It's a very challenging prompt and the only way to make good use of this prompt really is to be creative and think outside the box. (The joy on Rainbow Dash in this drawing shows her pride and sense of accomplishment after participating in NATG, so technically this drawing satisfies the prompt for Day 10, which means it includes at least one prompt.) Nevertheless, I managed to come up with an idea of showcasing my previous prompts and the concept of a NATG yearbook. I gotta be honest, this is not an easy prompt to work with. This drawing took me 5 hours to finish and I'm very proud of the result!

"This is where it all began... As I approach with determination, I witnessed art expressed in millions of shapes and forms." As we're about to wrap up NATG for this year, I think it would be interesting for me to look back at things I drew in the past 4 weeks. The prompt for today is to draw as many previous prompts in a single picture as you can. It's a very challenging prompt and the only way to make good use of this prompt really is to be creative and think outside the box. (The joy on Rainbow Dash in this drawing shows her pride and sense of accomplishment after participating in NATG, so technically this drawing satisfies the prompt for Day 10, which means it includes at least one prompt.) Nevertheless, I managed to come up with an idea of showcasing my previous prompts and the concept of a NATG yearbook. I gotta be honest, this is not an easy prompt to work with. This drawing took me 5 hours to finish and I'm very proud of the result!
3 An Eventful July - EveryDayDashie

2 submissions on the same day! This time I decided to draw all 28 prompts from scratch and squeeze all of them into a calendar. After finishing the previous drawing, I was trying to think of a better method that allows me to draw pony bodies more efficiently. I managed to come up with a solution and it works pretty well in this drawing. I was also able to imagine a story while drawing on different slots of the calendar. But the fun thing about this drawing is that its storyline is very flexible and you can try to come up with a complete story for this drawing if you want to. Anyway, this took me 3 hours to finish which is significantly shorter than the previous attempt. I'm very happy with the result and I hope you enjoy this second submission for today's prompt!

2 submissions on the same day! This time I decided to draw all 28 prompts from scratch and squeeze all of them into a calendar. After finishing the previous drawing, I was trying to think of a better method that allows me to draw pony bodies more efficiently. I managed to come up with a solution and it works pretty well in this drawing. I was also able to imagine a story while drawing on different slots of the calendar. But the fun thing about this drawing is that its storyline is very flexible and you can try to come up with a complete story for this drawing if you want to. Anyway, this took me 3 hours to finish which is significantly shorter than the previous attempt. I'm very happy with the result and I hope you enjoy this second submission for today's prompt!
13 Memory Share - Tarkan809

Spike and Weston had been through so many adventures, and yet time flies by. To remember the times that they have went with each other, they have looked at their photo albums to review the adventures that they have been… It might not be over yet for them but yet that have a non-forgettable past even the future… (P.S. I didn't have any enough time to do the previous prompts so maybe on the last make up day I could try to at least get it to work on doing the other prompts on my spare time. So yeah...)

Spike and Weston had been through so many adventures, and yet time flies by. To remember the times that they have went with each other, they have looked at their photo albums to review the adventures that they have been… It might not be over yet for them but yet that have a non-forgettable past even the future… (P.S. I didn't have any enough time to do the previous prompts so maybe on the last make up day I could try to at least get it to work on doing the other prompts on my spare time. So yeah...)
15 NATG XII Day 29 - Draw as many previous prompts in a single picture (2, 4, 11, 16, 22, 23, 28) - Artevi
19 NATG XII Day 29: A Proud (and Stuck) Aunt - Blazewing

This picture combines prompt elements from Days 1, 4, 5, 10, and 14, woven into a single narrative: Tough Cookie and Syntax go on another exploration, with Cookie's niece Pastel in tow. Pastel runs ahead, Cookie follows and gets stuck. Syntax is unamused, but Cookie is proud because her niece made her first find on her first adventure. =P

This picture combines prompt elements from Days 1, 4, 5, 10, and 14, woven into a single narrative: Tough Cookie and Syntax go on another exploration, with Cookie's niece Pastel in tow. Pastel runs ahead, Cookie follows and gets stuck. Syntax is unamused, but Cookie is proud because her niece made her first find on her first adventure. =P
23 "DISCORD!!!" - EmeraldPencil
25 Lyra, Bonbon & Pipp - Frown Factory

140m Containing 5 - Draw ponies who are inseparable from each other (Lyra & BonBon) (12 - Draw a pony from the far future (Pipp in regards to L&B)) 14 - Draw a pony doing something they love (Pipp making videos, Lyra being a liddle shid) 16 - Draw different pony generations meeting each other 23 - Draw a pony up to no good (Lyra) 28 - Draw a pony relaxing (BonBon, for now)

140m Containing 5 - Draw ponies who are inseparable from each other (Lyra & BonBon) (12 - Draw a pony from the far future (Pipp in regards to L&B)) 14 - Draw a pony doing something they love (Pipp making videos, Lyra being a liddle shid) 16 - Draw different pony generations meeting each other 23 - Draw a pony up to no good (Lyra) 28 - Draw a pony relaxing (BonBon, for now)
41 My Artistic Process - SOENJAY

Day 29s prompt was to "Draw as many of the previous days prompts as you can" so I went with the days that I missed this year because I was at a New Hampshire NASCAR race. This is my artistic process: thinking of the prompt all day, trying to come up with a clever idea. Being struck with inspiration about an hour before the deadline and slamming out a drawing. Being relieved that I got the prompt submitted on time.

Day 29s prompt was to "Draw as many of the previous days prompts as you can" so I went with the days that I missed this year because I was at a New Hampshire NASCAR race. This is my artistic process: thinking of the prompt all day, trying to come up with a clever idea. Being struck with inspiration about an hour before the deadline and slamming out a drawing. Being relieved that I got the prompt submitted on time.
Twitter: Calpain