• Newbie Artist Training Grounds XII: Day 23

    My Little Pony Newbie Artist Training Grounds Author Calpain
    Artist: Optimistic Neighsayer

    Sometimes after a little bit of stress and some serious times, we just need a little fun to help ourselves to unwind and recharge our batteries. The same can be said of artists as well, make sure to take care of yourselves and not push yourselves too hard. It's important to improve, but you don't want to do it at the complete expense of yourself either! 

    For today's haul of ponies we managed to bring in 54 ponies which brings us up to 1716 ponies in total! Well done everyone, we're closing in on that 2k mark!

    As for today's prompt, it wouldn't be fair to pass up the opportunity for you all to explore some of the baddies FiM has given us over the years and for that we needed a villainous prompt to hopefully draw some of them out of the shadows! That is why today I would like you to Draw a pony up to no good / Draw a pony with twisted thoughts.

    As always you can find the submitter here.

    For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
    Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy

    Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!

    Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.

    Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.

    Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!

    Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!

    Attention Discord Users:
    For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.

    Check on after the break for today's gallery!
    Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
    Art Tutorials
    3 A Politician for us All!! - Stardust

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    Nothing shady at all
    4 Balloons and Confetti - EveryDayDashie

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    Nopony can be uncheered with balloons and confetti, so I made Dashie a big unpoppable balloon for her to play with. Look how happy she is with all these party stuff! I still remember drawing Dashie having a fear of popping balloons back in my Day 6 drawing, and it seems like this is perfectly in juxtaposition with that! I also feel like every day is worth a celebration. We've put in so much effort and time in doing different things, especially drawing for NATG, and it only makes sense if we can celebrate our success and give ourselves a good treat at the end of the day. Do remember to find a way that makes you proud of what you've accomplished and achieved. But with that being said, this drawing took me a little bit more than 4 hours to finish and I'm also very proud of the extremely beautiful result!
    7 Birthday - DoodleDonut

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    8 Having a blast at Nightmare Night. - GoggleSparks

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    Millions Lightfeather is an otter...with the Dark Side.
    11 - TenebrisNoctus

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    Look at her go~
    13 [SFM] Unicorn carry-on - red4567

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    Do you think she could make her own Sonic Zippboom?
    14 NATG #22: Party with Pinkie - MrKat/Panko Pai

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    There's no party like Pinkie party!
    16 NATG XII Day 22: Who's Ready to Party? - Blazewing

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    A blast from Pinkie's trusty party cannon is the proper signal for the start of one of her parties. =P
    18 Party time ! - Karboom

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    19 Pinkie's Party (feat. Izzy and Sayori) - BlueSkies

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    Pinkie throws a party for Izzy and Sayori, who are also very happy girls. They throw a party and talk.
    21 Party time - Ragmo

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    Look at her awesome moves on the dance floor \o/ And listen to Caveman Ponies sick DJ-skillz
    22 Party Of One - ComradeSparkle

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    Sorry it's faint!
    24 2022 NATG day 22 - Having a Blast - C_||_R

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    Bomblastic, doing what she loves.
    26 Party Hard (NATG 2022 Day 22) - IronYoshi

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    Yosh and Lilly are playing Mario Party. One of them is having a blast. Guess who.
    27 "Celebrate!" - EmeraldPencil

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    Woohoo! NATG has been fun, but also stressful! I have definitely seen myself improve just from consistently drawing almost every day! Here, Emerald Pencil is having fun celebrating and blowing his party favor (or party horn, you decide)! I had to figure out how to draw a pony kicking backward for this one, but I think I got it. As always, constructive criticism is encouraged and appreciated!
    29 Party of One - Rapidsnap

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    34 ED: NATG 2022 Day 22 - Addelum

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    Party down, Huoshan style.
    35 Blast from the Past - Sigmath Bits

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    So I started blastin'!
    36 ATG XII Day 22 - Allonsbro

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    37 Pony Party - Frith

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    One of those types of parties I avoid, where everypony is standing around and the noise is so loud you can hardly think.
    38 Pony Party - Frith

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    Lights out! Now it's a rave. I avoid those too.
    39 Blast Off! - Pone-Dancer

    Art image 39
    Peppa-Mint works as a firefighter. Of course you need to go through extensive training to do so; she didn't expect the hoses to be that powerful. She'll need to learn how to wrestle the firehose into submission but, until she does, she'll have a whale of a time!
    40 Super Duper Party Pony Family - Ebony Crystal

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    For this one, I couldn't resist drawing a certain pony family kicking things off for one of their signature parties. After playing around with the rainbow brush again, it looks like they're doing a photo op for a pride parade, and it just feels like something they would do. :3
    41 Eclipse - Termyotter

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    Another real rush job. Honestly I just wanted these two dancing with one another but I keep needing there to be a teeny story behind it.
    42 Demo-Ponk - SOENJAY

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    TF2 and MLP had overlapping heydays and when most people think of crossovers they associate Pinkie with Pyro. I always thought it made more sense to liken her to Demoman.
    43 Party Hardy - Desert

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    Party waaaaay to hardy
    46 Pinkie Pop - Faith?

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    50 Organ Magic - Optimistic Neighsayer

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    Guiding Light, when she’s not writing, has two things giving her great joy: her phoenix and playing the organ. She seems to be having a blast demonstrating both.
    52 The Semi-wrongs - Tarkan809

    Art image 52
    Spike and Weston knows their rights and wrongs of what their doings… However the Spooky kids never knew theirs… In one instance the Spooky Kids happen to whip up a board game to play, but it isn’t a normal kind of board game as Spike and Weston expect… But hey as long as they’re right beside each other they would be safe. (sorry if I wasn’t clear enough because of the rush.)
    53 Smoldy Having a BLAST! - Rupert the Blue Fox

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    Wanted to go for this Newbie Artist Training Grounds stuffs, but with dragons! And now for something a bit cartoony. And somewhat nostalgic.
    54 Day 22: A Homecoming Party - TaichiKeaton

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    What better way to celebrate coming back home after such a long journey than a party with family and friends? Shade and Morph have a wonderful time dancing together while Stardust and friends have fun.

    Twitter: Calpain