Artist: AnimatorWil
And with that another Makeup Day is done! I hope you all managed to get what work you needed to get done for today or had a well deserved rest if you've kept up so far. All the same we're now in the final stretch of the NATG and with just 10 more prompts to do I'm sure you all can do it!
For today, you all managed to bring in 115 ponies which now brings us to 1606 ponies in total!
Now, back to the prompts! As I said this is the final leg of the journey and I'm sure so far it has been quite an adventure for all of you who have participated so far. It really is a marathon to get to the end but now it is in sight and I hope that has given you the enthusiasm to push on! Much like how this whole experience has been an adventure, our ponies have had quite a few adventures themselves in the land of Equestria so for today I would like you to Draw a pony returning home from a long jounrey / Draw a pony on an adventure.
As always you can find the submitter here.
For our mobile friends trying to upload, try this:
Once you have the image uploaded to Twitter, DeviantArt, or wherever try this: Touch and hold the image. Depending on what browser you’re using, select the image URL by tapping the links below: Chrome: Copy link address Safari: Copy
Use that URL in the compiler for your image. Hopefully that works!
Max Image Resolution is 2000x2000! Resize your pictures to make sure they are the appropriate size, any image software should be able to help you.
Animations do not animate when sent through the compiler! Include some text with your submitted animation that people should follow your links to the source to see the animation in full.
Remember, our compiler for the old prompt is up a few hours even after this post goes up with the new prompt so feel free to submit your submission to the previous day's submitter!
Also, if you are late submitting and the submitter is closed, don't just throw your pic into the next day's submitter. Wait for a Makeup Day to submit!
Attention Discord Users:
For those of you with Discord we are really pulling out all the stops this year as we have a channel on EqD's official Discord server called #artist-training-ground for you to hang out in with your fellow artists during the event. You can join our Discord server here.
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
Tutorial on First Day on How to Upload
Art Tutorials
16 Trap Problem - Tarkan809

Spike never became aware of getting himself trapped in some cases… but with a little “treat” that he could get his hands on but he ends up setting it off, trapping him. However for Weston, he doesn’t get himself trapped anyways… Then again he’s completely aware of his friend getting himself into trouble…

Spike never became aware of getting himself trapped in some cases… but with a little “treat” that he could get his hands on but he ends up setting it off, trapping him. However for Weston, he doesn’t get himself trapped anyways… Then again he’s completely aware of his friend getting himself into trouble…
19 A Spooky Surprise - Tarkan809

The two young creatures wandered around the spooky forest. Although they might not know where it lead to… After walking so much they found out that they were lost, then they heard something along the bushes… Weston feared of what’s going to happen and Spike tried to calm his friend down… But once the noises had stopped an unexpected surprise happened right before their eyes… Two young kids in Halloween costumes popped off from a bush right in front of the creatures almost scaring them completely… The two kids cheered as they celebrate their Halloween spirit across… However the two creatures became confused with the two kids… Are they a friend or foe? Who knows…

The two young creatures wandered around the spooky forest. Although they might not know where it lead to… After walking so much they found out that they were lost, then they heard something along the bushes… Weston feared of what’s going to happen and Spike tried to calm his friend down… But once the noises had stopped an unexpected surprise happened right before their eyes… Two young kids in Halloween costumes popped off from a bush right in front of the creatures almost scaring them completely… The two kids cheered as they celebrate their Halloween spirit across… However the two creatures became confused with the two kids… Are they a friend or foe? Who knows…
20 Pluma’s Revisit - Tarkan809

After the events of the ghost of Paradise Estate, Pluma had forgiven for pretending to be the ghost and tried to scare everyone off in Paradise Estate so she could get the first half of the Flashstone so she could save her grandfather Ruff from Squirk (with then the ponies tagged along to help her)… And thanks to the ponies and the kids help Ruff has been saved, Defeated Squirk and restored everything back to normal (then they destroyed the Flashstone to prevent the same incident.)… It might be the last time she’s been to Paradise Estate as she and her Grandfather returned back to their homeland… Until one day in the distant future… (After the events of Spike’s Search), Pluma decided to visit Paradise Estate again but a more friendlier approach this time around… When she arrived there she finally greeted everyone again in Paradise Estate… However Pluma never expected Spike to bring a new friend to Paradise Estate…

After the events of the ghost of Paradise Estate, Pluma had forgiven for pretending to be the ghost and tried to scare everyone off in Paradise Estate so she could get the first half of the Flashstone so she could save her grandfather Ruff from Squirk (with then the ponies tagged along to help her)… And thanks to the ponies and the kids help Ruff has been saved, Defeated Squirk and restored everything back to normal (then they destroyed the Flashstone to prevent the same incident.)… It might be the last time she’s been to Paradise Estate as she and her Grandfather returned back to their homeland… Until one day in the distant future… (After the events of Spike’s Search), Pluma decided to visit Paradise Estate again but a more friendlier approach this time around… When she arrived there she finally greeted everyone again in Paradise Estate… However Pluma never expected Spike to bring a new friend to Paradise Estate…
22 Yucky bugs! - Tarkan809

Spike is really disgusted when it comes to bugs, sometimes there are some that really make him jump big time… Weston however he in fact knows that birds could also eat bugs… Although when he sees a bug that is either new to him he stares at it… wondering… Would he eat it?… Whatever his curiosity struck he will know eventually.

Spike is really disgusted when it comes to bugs, sometimes there are some that really make him jump big time… Weston however he in fact knows that birds could also eat bugs… Although when he sees a bug that is either new to him he stares at it… wondering… Would he eat it?… Whatever his curiosity struck he will know eventually.
23 Dragoned out - Tarkan809

Spike mostly comes along with Danny in curtain adventures that they went… However Spike never had been thought by an actual Dragon… Although Danny could read out about Dragons from one of his books but Spike would prefer to being taught by an actual dragon (and which in their search they happen to came across Weston for the first time)… Then again it would take a while for Spike to find the same exact kind of Dragon type so he could learn from… (yet again too long to continue... in this...)

Spike mostly comes along with Danny in curtain adventures that they went… However Spike never had been thought by an actual Dragon… Although Danny could read out about Dragons from one of his books but Spike would prefer to being taught by an actual dragon (and which in their search they happen to came across Weston for the first time)… Then again it would take a while for Spike to find the same exact kind of Dragon type so he could learn from… (yet again too long to continue... in this...)
24 Generation “meet up” - Tarkan809

Nor-creature is aware that there’s more generations out there in the very far future… However there’s one Spike and “Weston” in the fourth generation that somehow ended up back in time to the very first generation… Spike (G1) and Weston never knew that there’s a very different version of themselves… Although Spike (G4) is completely different dragon… and his “Weston” however is a phoenix… and surprisingly he never speaks… It’s very confusing how two different generations would be able to see each other like that… But hey, there’s no “space-time continuum” incident on this…

Nor-creature is aware that there’s more generations out there in the very far future… However there’s one Spike and “Weston” in the fourth generation that somehow ended up back in time to the very first generation… Spike (G1) and Weston never knew that there’s a very different version of themselves… Although Spike (G4) is completely different dragon… and his “Weston” however is a phoenix… and surprisingly he never speaks… It’s very confusing how two different generations would be able to see each other like that… But hey, there’s no “space-time continuum” incident on this…
25 New Dance moves - Tarkan809

(Continued from that one meet up of the Spooky Kids...) Spike and Weston happen to get along with the “Spooky Kids” well, despite how the two spooky kids adventures are more different than the two creatures had… but overall it’s not really bad compared each other, it’s really fun and mostly spooky… the two creatures learnt a new dance from the two kids which is the “Spooky Dance”… Even though they’ve danced before in a song they’d thought maybe the kids would learn their dance as well… And boy they all enjoyed learning new dances that they never did…

(Continued from that one meet up of the Spooky Kids...) Spike and Weston happen to get along with the “Spooky Kids” well, despite how the two spooky kids adventures are more different than the two creatures had… but overall it’s not really bad compared each other, it’s really fun and mostly spooky… the two creatures learnt a new dance from the two kids which is the “Spooky Dance”… Even though they’ve danced before in a song they’d thought maybe the kids would learn their dance as well… And boy they all enjoyed learning new dances that they never did…
26 Too Sweet for the Heat - Tarkan809

Spike has a Sweet tooth that he never resist… Then again his dragon kind is really sweet. He could easily dive-in to desserts, and sometimes it might be very messy… Weston might not have that kind of tooth but he could try anything new. On one hot summer day, all ponies had mostly cold desserts to cool them down… For Spike however he doesn’t typically wait too long to get a taste of the treat… So he goes to it instantly having his head to dive into an ice-cream to devour it… Weston however he could also have a share as well, he could get the ones from the sides that are dripping out of the sides where Spike was diving in… Hopefully that it would be more enough for him to try…

Spike has a Sweet tooth that he never resist… Then again his dragon kind is really sweet. He could easily dive-in to desserts, and sometimes it might be very messy… Weston might not have that kind of tooth but he could try anything new. On one hot summer day, all ponies had mostly cold desserts to cool them down… For Spike however he doesn’t typically wait too long to get a taste of the treat… So he goes to it instantly having his head to dive into an ice-cream to devour it… Weston however he could also have a share as well, he could get the ones from the sides that are dripping out of the sides where Spike was diving in… Hopefully that it would be more enough for him to try…
27 Me and My future self - Tarkan809

Spike and Weston never knew what the future is going to be like… So one day, they came across two creatures from the future that somehow traveled back in time and turns out it’s the grown up versions of them… Which brought then to their wonder to ask about the future since their adult versions happen to travelled back in time to their younger age… Would it be good? or whatever the bad or worst that could happen? (sorry if I couldn’t come up with a better story for this.)

Spike and Weston never knew what the future is going to be like… So one day, they came across two creatures from the future that somehow traveled back in time and turns out it’s the grown up versions of them… Which brought then to their wonder to ask about the future since their adult versions happen to travelled back in time to their younger age… Would it be good? or whatever the bad or worst that could happen? (sorry if I couldn’t come up with a better story for this.)
40 NATG XII DAY16-GuerrillaPonifiedBreakroomCalendarJuly - Lore / Docard

This is Luna exploring a strange new world. It's also part of an on-going guerrilla art project of mine, where I have started letting my pony art invade the calendar on my work's breakroom wall this year. My simple plan is to: 1) Add Pony art to each month this year undetected, and 2) Deny it's me doing it, no matter what, all year. Here's last month's entry:

This is Luna exploring a strange new world. It's also part of an on-going guerrilla art project of mine, where I have started letting my pony art invade the calendar on my work's breakroom wall this year. My simple plan is to: 1) Add Pony art to each month this year undetected, and 2) Deny it's me doing it, no matter what, all year. Here's last month's entry:
47 "Just Chillin'" - EmeraldPencil
48 "'Till the Green Ember Rises..." - EmeraldPencil

My favorite book series is The Green Ember series by S. D. Smith. I would highly recommend it! The rabbit nation of Natalia has been taken over by wolves and birds of prey, and the rabbits have to take it back! Emerald Pencil is holding Picket's (one of the main characters') sword. He is also wearing a cloak with the double-diamond symbol of Natalia on it. He's ready to go to San Diego Comic Con! As always, constructive criticism is encouraged and welcome!

My favorite book series is The Green Ember series by S. D. Smith. I would highly recommend it! The rabbit nation of Natalia has been taken over by wolves and birds of prey, and the rabbits have to take it back! Emerald Pencil is holding Picket's (one of the main characters') sword. He is also wearing a cloak with the double-diamond symbol of Natalia on it. He's ready to go to San Diego Comic Con! As always, constructive criticism is encouraged and welcome!
74 Day 15 - Komi and Poni Can't Communicate - Desert
76 Zipp Meeting Pinkie - SOENJAY

Pones of different generations meeting each other. This is the first time I'm attempting to draw any G5 pones and I hate the way Zipp looks, but it is done and can not be undone. Most people would pair a generational meetup of Zipp and Dash, but screw that, I'm drawing my favorite characters from each gen. It's no secret Ponko is the best G4 horse, and so far I really like Zipp in G5.

Pones of different generations meeting each other. This is the first time I'm attempting to draw any G5 pones and I hate the way Zipp looks, but it is done and can not be undone. Most people would pair a generational meetup of Zipp and Dash, but screw that, I'm drawing my favorite characters from each gen. It's no secret Ponko is the best G4 horse, and so far I really like Zipp in G5.
77 Day 17 - Long Poni Counts as Rope, Right? - Desert
85 Day 12 - Mallow Malt

My OC along with some friends of mine from Trotcon standing in the prereg line that extends all the way to the moon. Thought of this one in the prereg line for Trotcon, never got to make it, and missing the prompts for each subsequent day of Trotcon killed my momentum. Luckily I (barely) managed to get all 9 prompts I missed done today over the course of roughly six hours. It shows unfortunately, as they're all a bit rushed, still, I'm glad to be caught up and I'm looking forward to having a lot more time for tomorrow's prompts.

My OC along with some friends of mine from Trotcon standing in the prereg line that extends all the way to the moon. Thought of this one in the prereg line for Trotcon, never got to make it, and missing the prompts for each subsequent day of Trotcon killed my momentum. Luckily I (barely) managed to get all 9 prompts I missed done today over the course of roughly six hours. It shows unfortunately, as they're all a bit rushed, still, I'm glad to be caught up and I'm looking forward to having a lot more time for tomorrow's prompts.
88 Day 15 - Mallow Malt
91 Day 17 - Mallow Malt
93 Day 19 - Mallow Malt
95 Day 20 - Mallow Malt
96 Finders Keepers - Tarkan809

Spike often tries to search around things… More than likely even with boxes, barrels and such… There’s not much context with trying to find things out of the ordinary but then again Weston wouldn’t like to mess around stuff along with his friend… but that might be the aware of any dangers when finding things…

Spike often tries to search around things… More than likely even with boxes, barrels and such… There’s not much context with trying to find things out of the ordinary but then again Weston wouldn’t like to mess around stuff along with his friend… but that might be the aware of any dangers when finding things…
98 A Spooky hobby. - Tarkan809

(Continued with the Spooky meet up) Halloween normally was a treat day in one day and in one month… However for Spooky Month, there’s no limits where the day was celebrated… Spike and Weston happen to find Spooky Month to be a new hobby that involves with treats… Even if it’s not on October… Thanks to the Spooky kids they had received several treats from the two Spooky Kids hometown… Although they might need to be careful around with anything scary when going on trick or treating…

(Continued with the Spooky meet up) Halloween normally was a treat day in one day and in one month… However for Spooky Month, there’s no limits where the day was celebrated… Spike and Weston happen to find Spooky Month to be a new hobby that involves with treats… Even if it’s not on October… Thanks to the Spooky kids they had received several treats from the two Spooky Kids hometown… Although they might need to be careful around with anything scary when going on trick or treating…
100 I wish I wish… - Tarkan809

One day, Spike stumbled across a giant rainbow scale when wandering around Paradise Estate… After discovering it he showed it to Weston and somehow the two were confused… Although there’s a rumor that there’s a place that is the land of Dragons when activating the scale… So from their curiousity… They went ahead and wished upon it and brought them to the land of Dragons… However the Dragons there aren’t really the kind like Spike… but rather different but friendly… Eventually the two got used to visiting the Dragon lands more than likely and they even made new friends on the way… (Even one of them gave him a necklace as a gift) (Sorry if this wasn’t very clear enough.)

One day, Spike stumbled across a giant rainbow scale when wandering around Paradise Estate… After discovering it he showed it to Weston and somehow the two were confused… Although there’s a rumor that there’s a place that is the land of Dragons when activating the scale… So from their curiousity… They went ahead and wished upon it and brought them to the land of Dragons… However the Dragons there aren’t really the kind like Spike… but rather different but friendly… Eventually the two got used to visiting the Dragon lands more than likely and they even made new friends on the way… (Even one of them gave him a necklace as a gift) (Sorry if this wasn’t very clear enough.)
101 Homesick feeling - Tarkan809

Continued from the Spooky thing Spike had many friends through out his baby dragon hood… Although somehow him being the only dragon that doesn’t have parents tend to left out his life… While most kids like Weston, Skid, Pump have parents that care for him… Then again Spike being the only one who never had any parents is really the biggest let down on him… He hopes that he could at least find his hometown and see his parents, but… when will it come? After Skid introducing his friends to Lila (Skid’s mom), somehow Spike feels that he needs to express something that he’d never shared with the Spooky kids… He has to do it on a place where it’s safe to tell them… (This story is too long to continue)

Continued from the Spooky thing Spike had many friends through out his baby dragon hood… Although somehow him being the only dragon that doesn’t have parents tend to left out his life… While most kids like Weston, Skid, Pump have parents that care for him… Then again Spike being the only one who never had any parents is really the biggest let down on him… He hopes that he could at least find his hometown and see his parents, but… when will it come? After Skid introducing his friends to Lila (Skid’s mom), somehow Spike feels that he needs to express something that he’d never shared with the Spooky kids… He has to do it on a place where it’s safe to tell them… (This story is too long to continue)
113 Of Course I Have A Permit! - Campfire Glow

Campfire Glow's first meeting with Lunar Dream resulted in a 20 bit fine as he'd forgotten his castle delivery permit that evening.

Campfire Glow's first meeting with Lunar Dream resulted in a 20 bit fine as he'd forgotten his castle delivery permit that evening.
114 Flashy Pop Drifting in Space - Flashapples Master
Twitter: Calpain